Networking to SUCCESS or NOT?!

Networking to SUCCESS or NOT?!

I am not understanding this message early this Sunday morning.

"If people did but know 'it', all-is-one. 'It' is such that all is connected and networked. Outside-in, one's network seems limited _ inside-out, one's network is unlimited. As people realise, via insight, the source so it is that people truly begin to realise their innate potential. Such people happily share their transformational stories which explain that realising the cause leads to effective results (in life, in education, in business _ wherever there are people. If one is seeking potential clients then networking comes easy and more effective if one seeks to share the cause _ or aims to explore with others to that effect"

I believe you have said

"all is connected and networked"

as in the 6 Degrees of Separation theory?

I have experienced a few examples of it possibly being true in my life.

In 2007 when I was on the CPSI Planning Team I suggested that we reach out to President Jimmy Carter to ask him if he would speak at our conference at Calloway Gardens outside Pine Mountain, GA not very far from Plaines, GA (see map).

I volunteered to try to make that happen.

I reached out to a past client and friend who was a special VP at the Univ of Georgia to see if he knew someone at the Carter Center.

He did, a Director of the Carter Center

That would have been 3 degrees of separation.

My goal was to have President Carter speak "AT" the Conference or "FOR" the Conference (live, recorded, in writing)

Unfortunately, the Carter Center Director was away for a month

When he returned President & Rosalyn Carter were away for a month.

It turned out the Carter Center Director's secretary was also the travel secretary for President Carter.

Had my friend asked her directly to ask President Carter it might have happened.

Me to VP UGA to CC Secretary to President Carter

7 billion people and I was 3 degrees separated from him

The theories that claim that ALL in the universe is connected or networked are interested.

Not sure if my pragmatic mind, though openly creative, accepts that as proven FACT

"Innate potential in ALL human beings"

Another theory I accept as possible

"the cause leads to effective results"

Many years ago I read a book or an article or two or heard a science lecturer claim

"cause and effect" have NEVER been truly proven scientifically.

It is a theory that tends to make sense

"If one is seeking potential clients then networking comes easy and more effective if one seeks to share the cause _ or aims to explore with others to that effect"

interesting concept/principle/theory

rewording it in words I understand

If someone has a CAUSE that can PRODUCE a wanted/needed/desired EFFECT
and they NETWORK they will be successful.


I have spent probably thousands of hours since I began as a speaker/trainer/consultant analyzing, studying how I have gotten speaking, training, teaching, consulting work

in print, electronically, in person

1980 I asked Toastmaster members and others who they knew spoke professionally for money.

I began networking

soon I was connected with two men who worked with the Institute  of Government Management Development Program located at the UGA Continuing Education Center.

We had breakfast

They hired me to do a 3 hr program on creative thinking in 1980.

jump ahead to 1995 when I walked out of a IG MDP team meeting when the Director of the Program said

"We need to cut back on the use of external consultants"

As I walked out of the room I said,

"Then perhaps you can begin with me."

I can look back over 38 years of doing over 3,500 presentations, training programs, retreats, college or university classes and mostly trace back how I got them or were given them through people I had networked with directly or indirectly.

Unfortunately during the past 3 1/2 years using that basic strategy has not produced new work.

At the same time without my various networks
without Facebook

I would probably still be serving a 5 year prison sentence for taking one photograph after being told

"no photograph secure areas"


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