Chapter 2x: Flowers to Brighten the Mood

Chapter 2x: Flowers to Brighten the Mood

I have discovered that finding flowers and interesting plants
can help eliminate DEPRESSION or NEGATIVE MOODS.

Here are examples from my Walk 2018-002

Returning to this posting to add some words.

Kudzu, state vine of Georgia.
It was a biological experiment is what
I have been told or read several times
since I moved to Georgia in 1979.

It was an experiment brought from Africa
for erosion control.

It has spread throughout much of the southeastern states.

It basically will grow over and on anything.

I have seen it cover trees
cover entire barns
cover entire houses that are not lived in.

Some claims say that a single plant
will grow up to 12 inch in a single 24 hr period.

You basically can watch it grow standing by it.

Once the last frost is gone it begins
growing again until the first frost in the Fall or Winter.
Then it dies back.

It does have a pretty light purple flower
that has a very sweet smell.

As to the names of the rest of the flowers or plants
I photograph today I need your help or to do
Google searching for their names.

Here is one url from a Google search for
Wildflowers that grow in Athens Clarke County.

Scaly Blazing Star / Liatris squarrosa

Robin’s Plantain / Erigeron pulchellus

I believe this one is honeysuckle
It is also considered an invasive plant
that many people do not want in their gardens.

It will grow over bushes, trees.

It also has a very dense, sweet smell.

This is a tent caterpillar next.  During the 40 years I have lived in
Georgia I have seen years where these appeared in almost
every tree and got very large.

One night walking out of my front door
I nearly walk face first into one of these.

Crimson-eyed Rose Mallow, Marsh Mallow / Hibiscus moscheutos

This I believe in Poison Ivy.
I found it in my little forest this morning.

Because I know I am very allergic to the resin
I avoid touching it with a passion based.
upon years of suffering from having touched it before

Please send me notes 
if you recognize any of these flowers by name.


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