my 3rd EYE doesn't have any film or pixels

my 3rd EYE doesn't have any film or pixels

I have been attempting to get back to reading BOOKS over the past 4 years.

Read a couple and tried to read a few more while I was detained for 4+ months and had very little else to do.

Since I have returned 4 years ago I have read a few, started reading many bu quit within a chapter of two.

From 1967 onward to about 2006 I often read 3 to 5 books each week with designated times for reading...

when I first woke up
lunch time
after dinner
just before going to sleep

I have discovered since I first week to CPSI in 1978 that my 3rd Eye has no film very often.

With Paul Torrance's help I discovered I IMAGINE, SENSE, THINK about visuals but seldom can truly have them "develop" in my conscious brain.

Since 1978 I have developed the strategy of
going places first
seeing movies, tv shows, plays first

then if I enjoyed the story(ies) told or experience
I read the books that the movies, tv shows, plays, operas are based upon.

are they the same....very seldom

different media produce different results

but unless I have actually been in the location that the book takes place in I seldom can SEE what the author is describing.

I prefer multi-sensory experiences over simpy reading prose, poetry or non-fiction reports.

Also I have been a GIANT SCREEN lover since the 1950s and wide screen up to 360 degree screen fan as well.

Being there is what I truly enjoy.


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