'TOO', 'ALSO', 'UP TO NOW', 

thanks to a friend
who posted the original her current "TOO" list

Here are my recommendations

which of these fit you now

- too busy
- too complicated
- too complex
- too disconnected
- too impatient
- too lazy
- too poor
- too smart
- too egocentric
- too miserable
- too disbelieving
- too ignorant
- too unimportant
- too scared

All of these are SUBJECTIVE and have many meanings to different people.

i.e.:   what poor is to one is not to others.

Many Americans spend more on SPECIAL COFFEE 'each day' than some families have to provide food for an entire day or even a week in many parts of the world.

rate yourself 0 to 10 on each that apply

instead of the word 'too' replace that with


- also busy
- also complicated
- also complex
- also disconnected
- also impatient
- also lazy
- also poor
- also smart
- also egocentric
- also miserable
- also disbelieving
- also ignorant
- also unimportant
- also scared

or replace 'also' with 'up to now I have been'

- up to now I have been busy
- up to now I have been complicated
- up to now I have been complex
- up to now I have been disconnected
- up to now I have been impatient
- up to now I have been lazy
- up to now I have been poor
- up to now I have been smart
- up to now I have been egocentric
- up to now I have been miserable
- up to now I have been disbelieving
- up to now I have been ignorant
- up to now I have been unimportant
- up to now I have been scared

one last step because typically we can not deal with more than a couple challenges at a time change 'up to now' to

IWWMI or How 2 stop being

- IWWMI or How 2 stop being busy
- IWWMI or How 2 stop being complicated
- IWWMI or How 2 stop being complex
- IWWMI or How 2 stop being disconnected
- IWWMI or How 2 stop being impatient
- IWWMI or How 2 stop being lazy
- IWWMI or How 2 stop being poor
- IWWMI or How 2 stop being smart
- IWWMI or How 2 stop being egocentric
- IWWMI or How 2 stop being miserable
- IWWMI or How 2 stop being disbelieving
- IWWMI or How 2 stop being ignorant
- IWWMI or How 2 stop being unimportant
- IWWMI or How 2 stop being scared

After you have rated them put them in order of their scores

Begin working on the top 3 and any that MUST be worked on immediately.


Ask for help wherever from 
and whomever you can!


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