My and My Taste in Movies

My and My Taste in Movies
this is a response to the following post about my taste in movies today

Too bad you don't want superheroes. I saw justice league it was very good

the most recent Superheroes movie I saw is Incredibles 2.

I enjoyed the first one very much.  My personal reaction was the 2 was overdone and forced.

Obviously there are many fans of it.

I saw a mix of the various Batman movies and remakes and a couple Spiderman, Wonder Woman, etc. in the past 10 to 20 years.

IRON MAN was the last one I really liked.

A life time of Superhero comic books, tv shows and movies has been enough.

Special effects done using computers seldom impresses me now.

Perhaps I have become a fuddy duddy now that I am in my 8th decade and have gone to movies since 1954.

From 1998 to 2014 I typically went to 50 to 60 movies a year when I was either home here in Athens or while traveling, especially on airplane flights across the Pacific, Atlantic going east, west, north, south or on my varied electronic devices the past 10 or so years or my laptops since 1990.

Since I saw cinerama movies on GIANT SCREENS I have been hooked on BIG SCREENS even 360 degree screens 

great fun 

Often when I was traveling a great deal for work and fun I often did movie marathons on weekends when I returned to Athens.

Typically 2 or 3 in a single day and as many as 8 in a single weekend.

The past 3 years I really have not done that because I have not found that many movies that interest me any more.

kill, kill, kill.......over done for my taste

special effects for the sake of special effects....definitely over done for my taste

I often have gone to see movies just to see what other people liked so I might make reference to them in my workshops, training programs or keynote speeches.

Real life movies...not just BASED UPON....I usually prefer.

Seen more than enough WWI of WWII or other war movies

Have enjoyed the ones that tell unique situations like

Darkest Hour 
Nazi Art Theft 
Boy in Striped Pajamas

those tell more of the real story than any history class I have ever taken 

comedies that don't just slam people

biographies usually especially the one about Stephen Hawkins 

blah blah blah 

I use to spend time keeping track of the movies I saw each year to compare years....

for example I saw these in theaters or on airplanes 2017

Beauty and the Beast
Darkest Hour
The Greatest Showman
Pirates of the Caribbean 
The Justice League ??? not sure I did
The Post 
The Shape of Water 
Despicable 3 (liked all 3)
Paddington 2 (I think I saw that one)
Father Figures ???
Going in Style 
The Circle 
The Disaster Artist 
American Assassin (or one similar to it_
The Man Who Invented Christmas
The Foreigner 
The Mountain Between Us 
Goodbye Christopher Robin 

and probably others from previous years online

Romances occasionally
Kid movies sometimes (kid in me and the grandfather in me)
selective comedies (I have a varied combination of senses of humor that do not match the general population)
mysteries (obsession often)
travel related (especially to places I have been in the past 42 years)
biography or autobiography

do not like scary movies
maybe have been to see a half dozen since I saw THEM in the 50s that scared the #$%^ out of me

Saw the complete series of THE RING & Hobbit rather than read the books.

I go to movies first
If I like them
I read the books

don't usually expect them to be the same


Invictus I enjoyed very much because of all my trips to South Africa.  The movie is about one chapter or two in the entire book.

Lincoln...have watched it several times, big screen, airplane screens, dvd.  It is only one chapter in the book

thanks for reading this rant.


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