Alan's Creative Living Scrapbooks

Alan's Creative Living Scrapbooks

Having attempted to write complete books about my world travels from the past 42 years have not been successful up to now.

Articles? Yes many have been published.

Workshops or Speeches? Yes Many have happened for FEE or FREE

Now thanks to a visit to our local Barnes & Noble followed by a trip to the ACC Public Library and a wander through a few sections of the books in the Children's Dept where I borrowed 4 beautifully illustrated books and since then completely read 3 of them and rechecked out the 4th so I could truly read it I have begun to write one of a series of

Alan's Creative Leaving Scrapbooks.

Though I have drawn cartoons for two colleagues' books during the past 5 years I have never truly illustrated a complete book.

My Japanese colleague, Miyoshi-san wanted me to do a completely illustrated version of BROKEN CRAYONS back in 2004 but I turned that wonderful opportunity down.

This week I have begun PHOTOGRAPHIC SCRAPBOOKS about Wandering Alan's Creative Living.

a brief sample can be found on my FACEBOOK FAN PAGE at

I have posted those photos on my Shutterchance page at
where one photo is shared per day for 28 days.

plus during the past 5 1/2 years I have told stories on the RABBIT BOX stage 7 times

the most recent can be heard on their website for the recent theme:


all with the recent of the storytellers for that month's theme.


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