SNOW in Howell, Michigan

SNOW in HOWELL, Michigan  

Thanks for sharing Frank

Got some white stuff the last couple days!

Robert Alan Black the date on the photo is from over 2 years ago.

Was this in Detroit?


Howell but it looks just like this again today!

Robert Alan Black If my memory from man years ago is correct Howell is northwest of Detroit. Just did a Google Maps search and found that Howell is almost due west of where we lived in Detroit. The Boy Scout Troop that met at John Trix in the mid to late 50s went camping in the Howell area when I was a member. 

In the Winter of 65 or 66 while I was working at WXYZ-TV and going to LIT Detroit received 12 inches of snow one week. I have memories of having to drive a strange path around cars on 7 and 8 mile until I got to Northwestern Hwy and headed north on 696 to the 10 Mile exit to find the exit ramp covered with untouched snow. I raced up the ramp thinking I could plow through it and ended up stranding my car to the side in the snow.

Later that day after working all day I walked back and used my hand jack to push my '60 Falcon off the snow to drive home

In January I drove up from Grand River and Outer Driver where my fiancé's parents home was located to end up crashing on the "S" bend ramp from Southfield onto 696 and ending up in the Hospital for a week.
ReplyJust now
Robert Alan Black this is how I found my car a week later in a gas station somewhere in Southfield.
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