Movie Marathon Thanks to Netflix

Movie Marathon Thanks to Netflix


Often over the past 20 years I have done MOVIE MARATHONS in B I G S C R E E N theaters whenever I was actually in Athens while not traveling.

I developed a habit of doing full afternoons of 2 movies or full days of 3 even 4 once or weekends of 4 to 6 to 8 to see 40 to 60 to 70 movies per year.

Not so the past few years because what SELLS is seldom of interest or value to me now.

Last weekend I did see coming attractions of hopeful movies later in December and into Jan to May of 2018.

A parallel imaginary career of mine for 40 years has been writing, directing for and/or acting in movies.

Took acting classes in the early 90s from a speaker/actor I met through NSA-GA who acted in commercials, tv shows and some movies in support roles.  A couple other writer friends, who write science fiction and/or murder stories also do part-time acting roles.

Looking back over the past 41 years I can easily see me ACTING, WRITING, DIRECTING to create my speeches, workshops, training programs and teaching my university classes.


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