Go BUCKEYES! or Go Blue....no longer care

Go BUCKEYES! or Go Blue....no longer care


My oldest brother
his wife
two of her sisters
their daughter my niece
are ALL GO BLUE alumni

I was rejected when I applied to architectural school
I challenged it and found out why

my own fault and a mistake on my high school transcript

"due to continual C grades in science and no math elective."

I was taking the hardest, advanced math class in all of Detroit called but one letter mistake by a student worker showed me as taking

SHMATH - Shop Math
SRMATCH - Senior Math

Actually I received a final grade in Biology from Mr. Zwickey because I spent my class time drawing flowers in the fields for him insead of attending class

Got a C in Chemistry even though my test average was a B+ or A-
because I wouldn't do Ms Puce's extra after school projects

Got a C in Physics in Mr. Holdridge's class because I didn't care one way or another. Found later that he and my father started the Industrial Mathematics Society in Detroit. My father didn't know who my physics teacher was.


So instead I went to LIT to get my architectural degree.

I was told I could enter as a Freshman in Liberal Arts and then transfer to architecture in my sophmore year.

I refused to go to school one more year.

Instead I was in college from 1962 to 1983 and earned 5 degrees out of the 9 I started in.


So sometimes I have rooted for the Buckeyes every since.

Hasn't mattered to me who wins for many years now.


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