Shoot Your Arrows First.

Shoot Your Arrows First.
Then draw the Bull's Eye around the tips.

I found a Peanuts cartoon many years ago
I have been a fan since the 50s...

It showed Charlie Brown learning another life lesson.

"Shoot the arrow first."
"Then draw the target and bull's eye around the tip."

Live with more open expectations.

My first CPSI helped put me clearly on this path.

The first workshop I walked into was done by
Sidney X. Shore, my 1st true Creativity Mentor.

The title?


Search continually for the good in everything until
you have a long list of goods to great.

Until you have learned what everything can teach you.

The first NITE FLITE - no title
All I knew walking down the hallway was that people
were going to hear OZ SWALLOW speak.

Oz was a creativity consultant in South Africa.

Once I got to the room the only spot I could find
was on the floor in front of Oz's feet.

He began by asking a question.

"What is or are your questions?"

He fielded about 5 or so of the questions
and then proceeded for the next 90 minutes
to weave his answer(s) to each of them.

One statement he made that night that has also guided my life

"All words in all languages are metaphors. They give meaning
they are not the meaning."

"Change the metaphors of your life and your life will change."

3rd was another NITE FLITE on another evening by Joel Goodman.

Once again I ended up in the front of the room sitting on the floor
in front of Joel's feet.

One of his most significant pieces of SAGE ADVICE or WISDOM was

"Whenever some bad, crappy, shitty (my words) thing happens in your life ask one question: 'Will I ever laugh about this in the future?'.

If your answer is YES! Then START LAUGHING NOW and get over it."

I have lived by these 3 pieces of CPSI Wisdom along with many now for nearly 38 years.

another I learned from Torrance, Guilford, Stein, Parnes and hundreds of others who never became famous....

"Teachers learn from your students.
Help them learn
Stop trying to teach them."

Among the many teaching, learning, education books I read from the Spring of 1976 until sometime in the 90s if not yesterday a few truly impacted me

TEACHER by Sylvia Ashton Warner from NZ
Maria Montessorri articles
John Dewey books
John Holt books
Torrance books

and one

Living, Loving and Self-Directed Learning
don't remember the author
can sense vaguely the cover design

the message was

Teachers learn with your students
help them learn how to learn


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