How You Might Tell a Story!

How You Might Tell a Story!

Some say this is true.

My 35 years of involvement with Southern Order of Storytellers, NAPPS/NSA/NSM, traveling to many storytelling events in the southern states, personal study of storytelling and 6 years of involvement in watching and telling through RABBIT BOX here in Athens has shown me there are

MANY, MANY, MANY ways to tell a story that are influenced by

thinking style preference
educational backgrounds
art backgrounds
literature backgrounds
writing styles
speaking or delivery styles
and a variety of other variables

for example

Using my M.I.N.D. Design© thinking preference model

There could easily be 24 ways of telling a story

using just the 4 primary styles

Meditative - the story would be told logically one fact supporting the next

Intuitive - the story could wander in many directions and be very colorful

Negotiative - the story would be very personal and real

Directive - the story would be step by step by step - beginning-middle-predictable ending.


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