Selling Records and CDs

Dear Mike   (selling records or cds)

I was curious what your plan, strategy and tactic for selling your records was.

In the past Merry and friends had a joint FLEA MARKET on the lawn of the house we were renting that was in a perfect location, a t-stop of a very busy two lane road from a wealthy neighborhood to a medium income neighborhood.

The 3 of them did a great deal of prep work
I made high quality signs
we had a very easy cash system

spent more on the signs, lemonade and snacks
than they made during the WHOLE day.

also years ago a long time creativity guru friend
wanted move from the north to Orlando area
and was trying to sell his creativity book collection.

He and I and others generated ideas for about week
then he created an Excel chart of them
and promoted the collection on the internet
and received a few bids and sold the lot.

eBay didn't exist then
Amazon didn't have the RESALE system them.

I have used my personal bookstore on Amazon 

first 5 I posted - 4 were sold in 3 days
the 5th about a week later

I posted 10 more
no purchases in a year
and that book was never one I owned.

Oh well
Back to living in Tree House Library of BOOKS and Life Mementos filled with Memories.


  1. Hi Alan- I'd say keep trying that Amazon Bookstore? Visit a local place? Or yes get used to hanging on to them!
    Also I think if you pull your stuff from your bookstore then repost in a week or two it might attract new attention (I think my wife uses that strategy)
    I remember having a yard sale when we lived in Gary, IN. It was 100 degrees out. I think we made over $200 the first Saturday, then $30 on Sunday. We should've quit while we were ahead!
    Always thinking about having a sale here but we have a very small yard with a picket fence that makes it even tighter. A garage sale is possible but our alley is hard to access. We've ended up hauling lots of stuff to Goodwill!

    Good luck! Mike


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