Me & My Clustered House

Me & My Clustered House

Bill  (this is an attempt to explain what you are seeing in my current Shutterchance album of 28 photos illustrated me, my life and my house.)

If you want to read it continue with a glass of wine or a cup of tea or coffee.

To answer your question you posted for today's photo of the current state/condition of my Creativity Studio...

Can I usually find what I am looking for?

More often than not I also find many things I have forgotten about for weeks, months, years, decades.

The following url is a website page I created years ago showing the analogy or metaphor I use for my house and how my house is organized (clustered) and how it looks now or has looked over the past 21 years.

My house is my physical GOOGLE/BING/YAHOO search engine.

I partially live out of the premise

Out of Sight
Out of Mind

I am a highly visual person who lives alone with no one to challenge me and my ways of doing things.

Here are 4 slides showing my book collections by cluster and floor plans showing their locations

My various clusters of my books by topic

Floor Plans of my house showing where my clusters of books & stuff are located.

I explain later about my Filing System I used from 1986 to 2006

These are the 12 cabinets in my office I use to work out of from 1986 to 2006 when I was mostly paper focused and not electronic

South Wall

North Wall

general explanation about my CLUSTERING SYSTEM and the supposed thinking styles I base it upon.

Merry and I had many similar interests that overlapped and we gave each other our individual spaces and we had our common shared spaces.

If Merry had not gotten sick and died I doubt very much I would have ended up traveling or doing or collecting all the stuff I have in the past 21 years.

I have learned to CLUSTER by common themes usually using a CREATIVE SYSTEM.

My primary challenge is that I am always improving any system I create to improve previous ones but NEVER apply a single system to everything I own or every aspect of my life.

I am a WILLING, WONDERING, WANDERER in most aspects of my life.

If I commit to do something for someone else, whether for money or simply as volunteer effort, I will finish on or before any deadline and usually at a qualitative or quantitative level or degree that the person is pleased with but seldom at a level I am truly proud of or pleased with.

Here is a much longer description of how I live my life using one of the few systems I have consistently used.

What I call M.I.N.D. Design or my thinking preference system.

* * * *

Years ago I had my paper files in file folders (organized a to z by client file, topic, category or using a numerical or chronological date system) in the 12 file drawers in my office upstairs or in a large standing 4 drawer cabinet I had in my garage.

Also I had props, handouts, giveaways, collections on shelves or in cardboard banker boxes in specific closets, rooms or attic areas.

My thousands of books are CLUSTERED by their common topic

and others

One of the foundations of my work and life the past 43 years has been THINKING STYLES based on a 2 by 2 grid often related to the theories of brain dominance: Left Brain, Right Brain.

Generally across the hundreds of theories I have studied there are 4 extreme styles that I have labeled


Meditiative - cerebral left or top left
rational, logical, precise, science or research based by the individual

Intuitive - cerebral right or top right
divergent, exploratory, highly varied and flexible, seldom the same for lon

Negotiative - limbic right or bottom right
people and feeling focused, emotional, group focused often called family focused

Directive - limbic left or bottom left
systematic, traditional, sequential, highly simplistically organized using basic numerical or alphabetical systems

Mediatives keep their lives relatively simple working only on a limited number of projects at the same time.  When they are done with a project they file things away or simply get rid of all but what they absolutely need any longer.

Intuitives are always exploring, starting new projects with passion finishing the most important ones or ones they have committed to finish for other people and often putting aside projects they will finish later.  Unfortunately the total number of projects far exceeds any possibility that they can finish.

Negotiatives are so focused on other people and feelings they are bendable, flexible and will sacrifice much to make sure what they have promised to do for or with others that they will put aside personal needs and projects.

Directives are extremely organized using very simplistic systems.  They accept what the EXPERTS or LEADERS say is correct or the BOOKS/TEXTBOOKS or whatever they accept as the sacred or correct books or systems.

Very few people live by a single one of these styles.

Most people accept and live by a combination of 2 or 3 of them.


Every test I have taken since 1976 has shown me to be what I call an Intuitive and usually to the extreme with Meditative being a high or strong second with Negotiative a strong 3rd and Directive a very distant 4th but not Zero.

How do the 4 general styles organize?

Meditatives - simply and always based on logic

Intuitives - file by pile, when the piles grow too large they put the piles into filing drawers or storage boxes or entire filing cabinets, closets or complete rooms or buildings

Negotiatives - file by feeling, what is most important to them at the time or to their team, group, family, friends

Directives - file by "THE" system that they accept as perfectly correct, usually created by the EXPERTS.

one word system I created many years ago to depict the 4 styles

a/an - an idea, a solution that can be possibly proven to be true
one - one of many potential to possible doable solutions
our - the solution WE or the group I belong to accepts
THE - the only truly correct solution or way of doing things.

I have written many articles that have been published and a few books about my M.I.N.D. Design thinking style preference system.

It came out of my PhD Dissertation and the research it was about.

Thanks for reading this far Bill.



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