Jon thanks for your positive letter follow up after TRUMP's Election

Jon thanks for your positive letter follow up 
after TRUMP's Election


I am now reading your long email trying to find good in the TRUMP election.

Thanks for posting this long message listing the many very kind and giving things
you have been doing for other human beings:
just for them or for the Hillary campaign.

One I didn't want either.

But I preferred her over the ASS.

From 1980 to 2010 I gave hundreds of speeches, breakout sessions, workshops from 1/2 day to 2 weeks in length about

Skills and Styles of Leadership

Over those 30 years I often read articles about famous leaders and ALL of the US presidents; positive, neutral, extremely negative.

George Washington was also a very bad surveyor
Never cut the damn cherry tree down
Never through the silver dollar over the Potomac.

Martha owned Mount Vernon

George was a known womanizer

Each of the presidents either did dumb things
or surrounded themselves with people who did crooked or dumb things as cabinets members

Thousands of soldiers died during the Civil War because of Abe Lincoln's inability to select worthwhile generals until he selected a drunk named Grant.

Lincoln was pro the movement to send the slaves back to Africa
or to give them their own state.

Similar to Jackson' Trail of Tears

William Henry Harrison is the only one who didn't do horrible things.

Why because he contracted pneumonia on innaugaratiion day and died in about 30 days without ever truly serving as president.

He and has leaders as a General in the Ohio Territory massacred the elder people and woman and children of Tippecanoe.

He and Tyler ran on that damn slogan

Tippeacanoe and Tyler too.

Trump beat Washington.

Only 54% of those who could of voted voted this time.

The best thing from this campaign and election has been that fact that reality is out in the open

RACISM, BIGOTRY, HATRED (Religious, Race, Gender, Age, Money)

continues to hold back the potential of the US

Yes the many trade deals
yes technology
yes moving much of the low skill manufacturing to Mexico, Central America, to Japan, China, Cambodia, Singapore, etc. has cost
a lot of jobs since the early 50s when that business process was started if not during WWI with Henry Ford when he built plants in Russia.

Of School System has been going down for decades
while politicians fight over who should pay for education
and what should be taught.

Now we will have the worst JOKER in our History as President
and he has already demonstrated that through his choices
for his cabinet of incompetent or racist people.

My focus now is waking up and attempting to have fun
and do some good for other people using my growing knowledge
and skills until I stop breathing.



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