Dear Friend about extreme Lifestyle Changes

Dear Friend about your chosen extreme Lifestyle Changes

Dear Francois

didn't know that you had been on such a major lifestyle change because I didn't see you in October when I was in South Africa.

I stopped drinking alcohol, which I didn't really drink that much any way, because of my health conditions:

High Blood Pressure
High Blood Sugar 
Type II Diabetes

I have
a Harvey's Bristol Cream 
or Bailey's Irish Cream 
or Amarulla 

a couple times a year and usually while traveling
across an ocean or while at the Neethling Place in October

Years ago in 1995 I did the no bread, no sugar lifestyle
and dropped a lot of weight

when Merry became ill in 1997 I started eating comfort food some
and ended up gaining all the weight and more back

Since 2004 I have been gradually trimming down
over time through walking and cutting back on sweets
and breads some times.

In 2014 I went on a 100 days of for Health & Happiness Walking Plan

trimmed down some

my 129th day was when I was arrested for the photograph in Abu Dhabi.

then I spent 4+ weeks in Jail and Prison as you know
and existed on 3 prison meals a day when I forced myself to eat them
and some cookies or orange juice boxes

and came out weighing around 175 when I got home.

Over the next few months my weight returned to 205 range

right now it is about 195.

Drinking water is too #$%^& boring
so occasionally I will have a COKE
like I did last night after I got home
from the Thanksgiving meal at my daughter's.

One of the naturopathic doctors and chiropractors
that Merry studied with for about year in Florida
where we lived before moving to Georgia stressed

It is not what you eat any given meal
it is what you eat most of the time

in otherwords

create a livable lifestyle and your weight and health 
will reach a controllable level.

I tried the 5 to 7 days a week walking program a few times since 1995 but it doesn't fit me mentally, psychologically or physically.

I simply do not want to be a slave to my body or weight
or any concept society stresses.

I choose what I want to eat and tend towards healthier foods
and have actually since 1977 when I traveled for 110 days,
including spending 4 days in the hospital in Beograde because of

Cholera and 4+ weeks in Jail and Prison or
walking every day for 1 to 2 hrs and eating
no bread, no sugars, no fat

All will drop my weight and size way down

but I don't like how I feel.

That is not living for me.

I deal with mood swings and depression already enough of the time.

Good luck with your new CHOSEN lifestyle Francois.



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