Walk 003 Holly Hills

Walk 003 Holly Hills

Holly Hills is a neighborhood across Epps Bridge Parkway from my little neighborhood that once was called ? ? ? (temporarily forgotten the name)

Holly Hills is truly a hilly neighborhood and a joy to walk through.

Cheep Cheep
Chirp Chirp
Screek Screek 

So many bird songs and sounds

This draft is meant to capture the images and a few notes.

As I progress to the 10th, 20th, 50th, 100th walks perhaps chapter headings will become more obvious.

No feelings of depression this morning.

Glucose reading was 146 down from 186 only 3 days ago
and two walks

Reading some interesting posts on Facebook helped

getting a reasonably good night's sleep helped.

Now after doing some errands I will return to my daily marketing efforts

Hope you enjoy these photos of my Walk through Holly Hills.

My chosen photo theme this morning was PATTERNS.

Entering Holly Hills on Tawnyberry

Another tent caterpillar nest

Several creeks flow through Holly Hills

I continue to change my focus as I walk from horizon to close up to using my lens to capture the far distance as if it was close up

Two landscape architects live in this home

one lone Sunflower

Another tent caterpillar nest

still another tent caterpillar nest

This creek only flows when it is raining

How many patterns can you find in this photo?

Seldom is Epps Bridge Parkway this still, empty, quiet


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