A discussion about VERT-sion
Extro, Intro, Ambi and so many others that actually exist among, within and between human beings.

B shared a stored about his first boating experience in  Venice, Italy.
Our group consisted of the

1. feminazi blond,
2. the bimbo,
3. the cryptkeeper (married to bimbo),
4. the "tycoon",
5. myself and of course
6. Alfons.

interesting mix of characters in your little boating story.

does "myself" speak Italian?

"I love humanity
 it's people I can't stand."

            Linus van Pelt of Peanuts

your story is an example of why I am an ambivert who more often than not chooses to be an introvert, a loner.

I'm the same way. I once told a group that I don't go in for the whole ceremonius duty of achievement and big parties and public appearances.

The one guy looked at me and said "But, that's literally what you do. You go around and do public events and mix with large crowds." I tried to explain that who I am publicly is different than who I am personally.  He didn't get it.

often during discussions about VERT-sion
Extroversion - Introversion I have asked my students, audiences, based upon what they have experienced with me which do they think I am, usually, some of the class or group will immediately shout out


I have learned over the years as a professor, speaker, trainer to use a


and simply remain quiet for a few moments until someone, usually in the back of the classroom or room, says


then I use my comic THROWAWAY LINE that I discovered or created several years ago

"I am an introvert by nature and 
an Extrovert when I am PAID TO BE ONE."

If you remember from the NAMIBIAN ACRE you would not have seen me HANGING OUT with the group of presenters.

I am not a cocktail party gadfly

I prefer one or two people who openly, honestly, sincerely talk and I grew to dislike idle chit chat many, many, many years ago.

The gadflies label me allusive rather than inclusive

But that is not the case

I enjoy being with people, talking, listening but

I can't not tolerate BULLSHIT, SHALLOWNESS

So my strategy is to avoid those people and situations

So the EXTROS see me stand-offish.


I just looked for my dictionary of VERTS or forms of VERT or VERTism where I used many prefixes and suffixes to create many different types of VERTS

not just EXTRO, INTRO or AMBI.....

unfortunately I didn't find it on my website.

My MBTI scores years ago when I had many occasions to complete MBTI forms in the 1980s while I was attending many training programs to learn about training or I was co-leading sessions with MBTI users my E/I would be E sometimes, I other times.

Then MBTI started reported scores with standard deviations results not absolutes that you were either E or I

then AMBIVERT was created.

My standard deviation was usually a 1/2 or less

indicating that I could be either one
but it was

a. my choice
b. situation I was in
c. people I was with at the time
d. my mood at the time.

I gave up having to be ONE OF THE GROUP, MOB just because some people, mistakenly believe that "ALL HUMAN BEINGS" are SOCIAL ANIMALS.

I have rarely if ever fit the NORMAL RANGE on any human variable.

I have almost "always" (stretching that adverb) been 1, 2, 3, or more standard deviations to the right or left of the NORM or MEAN.

Best wishes "B" for a fantastic adventure in Venice.


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