Dear Rosemary & Barry have moved to Equator

Dear Rosemary & Barry have moved to Equator

Dear Rosemary, you and Barry have done what I have dreamed about or fantasized about doing

Living in different cultures, countries, continents to truly experience them.

When I was completing my first extended international trip in 1977 I had been hospitalized in Beograde by cholera that I contracted in Cairo, Egypt and survived and thus cancelled my plans to travel more into Eastern European Russian controlled countries.

Instead I ended up in Paris for 10 days instead of my planned 2.

While walking the left bank area one day I looked into one of the many bookstores for something to read and found

Irwin Shaw's book


the book is about how he went to Paris for a few days to write an article and ended up living there for 30 years instead.

He stressed we can get know something about a town, city, country in 3 days but to truly experience and know it you really need to live there for 30 years.

I had done the 3 days routine throughout Europe that summer and many other countries since.

When possible I stay for a week to two weeks or a whole month

but alas at 73 years old I don't have enough time to spend a month in many more new countries

Best wishes for great adventures and experiences in Equator during the time you choose to live there.

Rosemary Rein
You have inspired us as well Alan

Robert Alan Black
when I was planning my first great adventure it was to be on a motorcycle much like Robert Pirzig who wrote the very popular book


I started planning in September of 1976 to leave in June of 1977.

By early May I still hadn't learned to ride or even had sat on a motorcycle.

My secretary, that I shared with a client, encouraged me to meet her son, who was a long-time motorcycle enthusiast/rider. 

He and I had lunch.

He asked me many questions about my trip


then he suggested that I really didn't want to ride motorcycle to accomplish what I had really wanted to during my first world trip.

After lunch I walked across the street to a Kiwanis member friend who had a travel agency and had been helping make plans for that trip the was originally to be from Lisbon to vladivostok russia and then to Alaska and home to West Palm Beach. 

That day in May I bought my very first Euro-Rail Pass and my real traveling strategies began for 40 years.


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