OHS and John Trix Classmates 1958 to 1962 hello again
OHS and John Trix Classmates 1958 to 1962 hello again
(the following is the original thread notes and recent notes 1 yr later)
graphics and photos will be placed later because Blogger did not accept them directly from my MS Word file.
(the following is the original thread notes and recent notes 1 yr later)
graphics and photos will be placed later because Blogger did not accept them directly from my MS Word file.
January 8, 2017
looking for people who grew up in the 50s or
west of
south of 8 Mile
east of Waltham
north of State Fair
south of 8 Mile
east of Waltham
north of State Fair
Here is a map of the area.

Karen Adamek Littlefield 20091
Barlow between Bringard and Fairmount

Alan Black thank you Karen
Barlow is outside of the area I am seeking information about.

Marilyn Hotchkiss Waltsgott I
lived on Waltham between Cunningham and Bringard

Alan Black Marilyn you were in
the area where I grew up and am interested in learning information about.

Marilyn Hotchkiss Waltsgott Robert Alan Black you were two
years older. Did you know Dan or Kathy Slobodecki Jean or Virginia Rozell, Doug
Brill, my brother Paul Hotchkiss, Jeff?? Richard or Robert Rieski

Alan Black Marilyn
out of all those names I was in the same 1958 graduation class as Jean Rozell. I connected with her briefly last May or June through the internet.
you can find her in the middle row towards the left of center.
out of all those names I was in the same 1958 graduation class as Jean Rozell. I connected with her briefly last May or June through the internet.
you can find her in the middle row towards the left of center.

Alan Black Karen and Marilyn
...thanks for your quick response.
did either of you know any of the SMILEY Family that lived at
the northeast corner of Joann and Collingham.
I was born in 1944 and moved away in June 1966 when I got married
I lived on the west side of Joann between Collingham and 8 Mile Road.
did either of you know any of the SMILEY Family that lived at
the northeast corner of Joann and Collingham.
I was born in 1944 and moved away in June 1966 when I got married
I lived on the west side of Joann between Collingham and 8 Mile Road.

Marilyn Hotchkiss Waltsgott Only
person i knew on Joann was Roger Baut. Always walked to Trix on Bringard

Virginia Manuel I lived on
Annott st. it was south of 8 mile and and east of Waltham. why do you ask?

Alan Black Virginia Manuel
Annott is not in the area I was asking about.
Annott is not in the area I was asking about.

Alan Black Marilyn
Thank you
I didn't know Roger Baut
Thank you
I didn't know Roger Baut

Marilyn Hotchkiss Waltsgott Robert Alan Black He lived right
across from the church. Also a girl JoAnn B???

Alan Black Marilyn Roger lived
across from St. Raymond's Church.
Used to play softball on the empty lot where the church was built.
I mostly interested in learning about kids on my block
the last block of Joann from Collingham to 8 Mile Road
and perhaps Pelkey and Alcoy.
thanks for your willingness to help me.
Used to play softball on the empty lot where the church was built.
I mostly interested in learning about kids on my block
the last block of Joann from Collingham to 8 Mile Road
and perhaps Pelkey and Alcoy.
thanks for your willingness to help me.

Virginia Manuel that's close
enough for me to walk to from where I lived on Annot and Collngham.

Lori Oneofakind Paris family
lived on Alcoy behind Smileys I knew Patti and Barbie Szutkowdki they must have
lived by you

Lori Oneofakind Drobnickis is
lived in the first house off 8 Mile on the east side of Joann

Mike Roman 20528 Alcoy.

Carol Kratchoff FINDLAY,

Alan Black thanks Carol but
your location is too far away.

Karen Adamek Littlefield Sorry
the name does not ring a bell

Alan Black thank you Karen.
I am reaching out because during some Facebook posts or chats last year or the year before someone said that they lived on the southeast corner of the intersection and knew the Smiley family.
I am reaching out because during some Facebook posts or chats last year or the year before someone said that they lived on the southeast corner of the intersection and knew the Smiley family.

Alan Black I am working on a
short story or chapter in a potential book
about growing up in Detroit before the beginning of its crash and burn.
about growing up in Detroit before the beginning of its crash and burn.

Karen Adamek Littlefield Robert
do you belong to the northeast Detroit alumni? You may have some luck there.

Alan Black Karen
Yes I belong to both the Osborn Alumni and the East Detroit Facebook page. I will look for the northeast Detroit.
Yes I belong to both the Osborn Alumni and the East Detroit Facebook page. I will look for the northeast Detroit.

Roger Roney Alan, link to NED Alumni; https://www.facebook.com/groups/nedetroitalumni/?ref=bookmarks I
tried to/might have added you, but I got a message that "you" still
have to be approved by an admin/mod.

Alan Black Roger thanks. I
just clicked on the join button.

Judith Matthews Fitzgerald i
lived on hamburg, near manning

Alan Black thank you Judith
that is not far yet beyond the scope of what I am looking for information about
right now.

Judith Matthews Fitzgerald shoots!
so many interesting things happened to me too!!!! LOL

Alan Black I have no doubt
that there are many stories about you and the other kids that grew up on your
block too. Thanks for being willing to offer to help me.

Alan Black I have a flash of
an idea for a short story or chapter about the kids that I knew on my block or
the immediate blocks on Alcoy or Pelkey
and what happened to them from 1958 onward.
The boy I played with in elementary school and for a short while in high school on our block of Joann all moved away.
Most I lost contact with after that.
One I reconnected with during the last year or two through Facebook but he has not responded to more than a couple messages months ago.
I only know what happened to one of my block friends
Milt Love eventually. He died on October 21st, 2014.
My plan is to discover some information about the various children from our block if possible.
and what happened to them from 1958 onward.
The boy I played with in elementary school and for a short while in high school on our block of Joann all moved away.
Most I lost contact with after that.
One I reconnected with during the last year or two through Facebook but he has not responded to more than a couple messages months ago.
I only know what happened to one of my block friends
Milt Love eventually. He died on October 21st, 2014.
My plan is to discover some information about the various children from our block if possible.

Gordon Miller Ease side of
Goulburn, 3rd house north of 7 Mile.

Alan Black thanks Gordon. that
is outside of the area I am working with initially.

Terry Schmidt My brother had a
band and Bob Skavone (sp?) played sax in it. He lived on Fairport in that area.
He died in Nam as did my brother Dan Schmidt.

Alan Black Terry very sorry to
learn about your brother and Bob Skavone.
thank you for mentioning Airport, the street just to the west of Joann.
thank you for mentioning Airport, the street just to the west of Joann.

Alan Black thanks everybody
for reaching out so quickly.

Terry Schmidt The 3 Lorde boys
lived on Joann just off 7 mile.

Alan Black thanks Terry. I
never knew the Lorde boys.

Cathy Schulte-Abate Terry Schmidt Hi Terry👍🏼Bill, Len and Don Lordy are my wonderful brothers❣️

Cathy Schulte-Abate Alan Black You missed it if you
never new the Lordy boys😊

Josephine Bonavia Armstrong Do
you remember the Loves -
Kids were Milt and Olive?
Kids were Milt and Olive?

Alan Black Yes I definitely
remember Milt....we played together often in the Love's backyard. Olive is/was
his older sister, a year or two older than me.

Alan Black the kids on our
block while I was living there from 1944 to 1966 were
Milt (one or two years younger than me) & Olive Love (1 or 2 yrs old than me)
Ed (1 or 2 yrs younger than me) & Ken Gies (1 or 2 yrs younger than Ed)
Smileys: Sharon my age, George and a pair of twin sisters I believe
Richard Johnson one year younger than me and 3 sisters older than me
Jill Jagman two years younger than me
one other boy my age or a year older who lived for a few weeks in the summers across the street from my house.
I have puzzle piece partial memories of him. tonight I am not remembering his name.
Milt (one or two years younger than me) & Olive Love (1 or 2 yrs old than me)
Ed (1 or 2 yrs younger than me) & Ken Gies (1 or 2 yrs younger than Ed)
Smileys: Sharon my age, George and a pair of twin sisters I believe
Richard Johnson one year younger than me and 3 sisters older than me
Jill Jagman two years younger than me
one other boy my age or a year older who lived for a few weeks in the summers across the street from my house.
I have puzzle piece partial memories of him. tonight I am not remembering his name.

Terry Schmidt I remember the
Rutkowski's, Krajewski. Picceralli (sp?) Kaleza's (sp) All living on Fairport.
Still have contact with the Rutkowski clan.

Alan Black my classmate that I
knew on Fairport on the west side of the block from Collingham to 8 Mile was
Elmo Brown. Elmo is in the middle of the back row 2 spaces to my left.

Josephine Bonavia Armstrong My
husband remembers the ice rink in Milt's yard when they were young. As adults
they hung out a lot. Unfortunately, Milt passed away a few years ago.

Alan Black I learned a couple
years ago that Milt Love died on October 21st, 2014.

Alan Black I skated on Milt'
ice rink often in the 50s and a little I think after I started high school. I
never played on the Heilman hockey league teams or at Wish Egan field.

Josephine Bonavia Armstrong My
husband, Paul Armstrong, remembered you as Al Black and that u lived near Milt.
He went to a different high school so doesn't remember you as a teen.

Alan Black yes I am that
"AL" Black. this me from our John Trip 1958 class

Alan Black here is my photo
from OHS in 1962

Alan Black I started going by
Alan in college at LIT.
for legal and professional reasons 40 years ago I began going by either ALAN or my complete name
Robert Alan Black. I did not know your husband Paul. Does he remember me from Milt's rink? I don't remember his name from John Trix or softball teams I played on a couple summers back then at Wish Egan field/park.
for legal and professional reasons 40 years ago I began going by either ALAN or my complete name
Robert Alan Black. I did not know your husband Paul. Does he remember me from Milt's rink? I don't remember his name from John Trix or softball teams I played on a couple summers back then at Wish Egan field/park.

Roger Roney Josephine Bonavia Armstrong, if your
husband is the same Paul I knew at Trix, tell him I said Hi. :-)

Alan Black Philip Minkwic are you talking
about Milt Love?

Alan Black Philip Minkwic thank you.

Josephine Bonavia Armstrong Roger Roney, yep same Paul. He said to
say Hi back. Do u remember Roger Reichmann? We see him every month or so, but
the two of them talk on the phone every week.

Roger Roney Josephine, Yes, I do, say hi to him
too. :-)

Marianne Allessio Ballor I
grew up on Hickory between bringard and collingham.
A friend of mine dated George Smiley but I have no clue where he might be today.
A friend of mine dated George Smiley but I have no clue where he might be today.

Alan Black Marianne once I
started hs at Osborn in 1958 or Lawrence Tech in 1962 I lost track of the
Smiley and the others.
The Gies family moved before 58 to Denver Colorado. My parents and I visited them once during a Summer vacation after that and then lost touch.
The Gies family moved before 58 to Denver Colorado. My parents and I visited them once during a Summer vacation after that and then lost touch.

Thomas Domagalski Annott is
close enough isn't it

Alan Black actually it is out
of the range of my growing up play area. thanks though.

Alan Black thank you
Did you happen to know Tim Glancy from the northwest corner of Hickory and Collingham, a boy named Richard 2nd or 3rd house south of Collingham on the east side of Hickory. Or Michael Killian who lived at the northwest corner of Hickory and Bringard?
Did you happen to know Tim Glancy from the northwest corner of Hickory and Collingham, a boy named Richard 2nd or 3rd house south of Collingham on the east side of Hickory. Or Michael Killian who lived at the northwest corner of Hickory and Bringard?

Claude Caponi I see Tim Glancy
all the time. Our families are close friends. His brother, Dave just passed on

Marianne Allessio Ballor Michael
Killian lived about 6 houses away from us.
I don't know the other two guys.
I don't know the other two guys.

Alan Black Michael Killian and
I were classmates and friends in the 7th and 8th grade.
Mike is on the far left of our graduation photo.
Mike is on the far left of our graduation photo.

Marianne Allessio Ballor Did
you attend St. Raymond?

Terry Schmidt I played
Football for St Rays.

Alan Black before St. Rays
main church was built I played on a summer baseball team at least one summer.
Marianne no I did not attend St. Raymond. Did play on the empty field before the church was built
and climbed on the construction a few times
Learned how to ride a two wheeler by supporting myself next to the where the nuns lived on a raised section of asphalt.
Marianne no I did not attend St. Raymond. Did play on the empty field before the church was built
and climbed on the construction a few times
Learned how to ride a two wheeler by supporting myself next to the where the nuns lived on a raised section of asphalt.

Terry Schmidt About what year
was that? I am 68 and it seemed like St. Rays was always there...LOL

Alan Black I am 72.
Just found one of the blogs for the church that says
St. Raymond Parish was established in 1941 and the current church was constructed in 1955.
that means while I was in the 5th grade
In 1952 is when I remember riding around the empty lot
when I finally tried riding a 2 wheel bicycle by leaning against a raised area to hold myself steady before pushing off and pedaling next to the fence between the Convent and the future church lot.
so when I played on a baseball league that was sponsored by the church must have been 1954 when I was just 10.
Just found one of the blogs for the church that says
St. Raymond Parish was established in 1941 and the current church was constructed in 1955.
that means while I was in the 5th grade
In 1952 is when I remember riding around the empty lot
when I finally tried riding a 2 wheel bicycle by leaning against a raised area to hold myself steady before pushing off and pedaling next to the fence between the Convent and the future church lot.
so when I played on a baseball league that was sponsored by the church must have been 1954 when I was just 10.

Terry Schmidt You may have
played ball with my brother Dan Schmidt. (KIA in Nam)

Alan Black Terry I may have
but I never knew his/your family name.

Alan Black I have hit a gold
mine through this Facebook group."
Thanks for all your posts folks.
Thanks for all your posts folks.

Suzanne Briolat Russo I lived
on Bradford just north of state fair

Alan Black thanks Suzanne.
Bradford is further away than I am exploring now.

Anita Kirn Runyon between
sturgis and lappin. Many many moons ago. (Anita bloss )

Don Bonkowski Lived at 20291
Alcoy between Collingham and Bringard.

Alan Black Hi Don....I think I
played with a boy more Milt Love's age, a grade or two after me (younger) names
Dennis who had a brother that either live on the east side of Alcoy between of
Collingham and Bringard
or Bringard and the next east-west street south.
remember I left the neighborhood in 1966 and hadn't been in contact with most of the younger kids once I went to OHS in 1958
or Bringard and the next east-west street south.
remember I left the neighborhood in 1966 and hadn't been in contact with most of the younger kids once I went to OHS in 1958

Warner Stringfellow Waltham,
two houses north of seven mile.

Pattie Bennett next to the

Pattie Bennett new your sister

Warner Stringfellow Yes,

Warner Stringfellow Pattie, is
that you?

Alan Black glad that this
thread has connected you two.

Frank Adams Pelkey 3 houses
south of Bringard. You know Skip, my brother, played with the Lamias,
Washburns, John Goodine was my best friend, lost contact with him after coming
home from Nam. Skip has been married twice, lives in Florida. 5 kids total for
him, couple of grandkids! I do remember your picture.

Alan Black thanks again Frank.
You have shared about you brother Skip and the Lamias (I knew Joe and Frank...I
may have the names wrong) We use to play baseball and I think hockey back in
the late 50s.
Skip and I played on a softball league team at Wish Egan one or two Summers. My parents traveled each summer and usually the coaches would not let me on their teams because I could not be there the entire season in August.
here I am from Skip and I's John Trix graduation photo.
Skip and I played on a softball league team at Wish Egan one or two Summers. My parents traveled each summer and usually the coaches would not let me on their teams because I could not be there the entire season in August.
here I am from Skip and I's John Trix graduation photo.

Frank Adams Yes, Joe was Skips
age and Frank was my age. Rmember the ice rink at Wish Egan. Fell thru one
year. Was never the sports freak Skip was.

Alan Black Frank what were /
are the names of the 3 Lamia boys
I remember Joe and Frankie?
I remember Joe and Frankie?

Frank Adams John, then later
Chuckie one sister Connie 1 Connected with Connie Lamia Baurhenn on Facebook.

Mary Jo Kinney I knew John
Goodine from the Trix dances! He was friends with Roger Remenec, who was my 1st
official date ... To the Spring Fling! I heard somewhere that John passed away.

Frank Adams Mary Jo Kinney yes John passed
away saw it here

Mary Jo Kinney So sad.

Alan Black Merry
Christmas Frank Adams best wishes to you and
all of your family.
Sorry I was not able to re-connect with SKIP.
Sorry I was not able to re-connect with SKIP.

Linda Cunningham I grew up on
Waltham between State Fair and Manning. Went to St. Rays for grade school.

Alan Black thanks for
Pat Matthews That would be me
- 20316 Joann, corner of Collingham.

Alan Black hello Pat. didn't
you share info about the Smileys with me during the past year?

Pat Matthews Robert Alan Black - maybe my
sister Elaine? Wasn't me for that. Did however, stay at Ed Gies's place last
year when I was traveling through Denver. Maybe passed that info.

Alan Black Elaine
I connected with Ed Gies within the past year but he has not really openly responded to my questions about his and his brother Ken (Kenny) lives since their family moved from Joann street to Denver.
They left in 58 or 59 I believe. We visited I think in 60 in Denver.
I connected with Ed Gies within the past year but he has not really openly responded to my questions about his and his brother Ken (Kenny) lives since their family moved from Joann street to Denver.
They left in 58 or 59 I believe. We visited I think in 60 in Denver.

Pat Matthews Robert Alan Black Kenny passed
away a few years ago - Ed told me when I was out there. But haven't heard from
Ed in awhile, lost his contact info, but would like to connect again.

Pat Matthews Robert Alan Black - You were
asking about the Smiley's? Sharon, George, Christine and Kathleen. On the
corner across the street (Collingham) from Elaine and me - still on the corner
of Joann. Behind them lived the Paris Family - Karen Paris Jankowski, who ison
FaceBook. Her dad Nick is still around.

Mary Ann Burbary Champion 20576
Fairport. Second house off the corner of 8 mile.

Alan Black thank you Mary Ann
Did or do you know Elmo Brown who lived I believe at 20529 like my house but on
4th house from Collingham on the opposite side (WEST) as you did.
Did you eat at the Thunderbird Drive In very often growing up?
Now I am going to share photos from GOOGLE Maps of your street.
this first one is apparently the site of where the Thunderbird Drive In was located at the southwest corner of "Fairport" and 8 Mile. Also there use to R&R Groceries across on the southeast corner when I was growing up. My local friends and some of Milt's hockey friends use to hang out there during breaks from playing hockey.
Also the son of the owner Mr Miller, Bob Miller was in my John Trip 8th grade class.
4th house from Collingham on the opposite side (WEST) as you did.
Did you eat at the Thunderbird Drive In very often growing up?
Now I am going to share photos from GOOGLE Maps of your street.
this first one is apparently the site of where the Thunderbird Drive In was located at the southwest corner of "Fairport" and 8 Mile. Also there use to R&R Groceries across on the southeast corner when I was growing up. My local friends and some of Milt's hockey friends use to hang out there during breaks from playing hockey.
Also the son of the owner Mr Miller, Bob Miller was in my John Trip 8th grade class.

Alan Black was this your house
on the left?

Alan Black the straight on
photo has the big tree in the way

Alan Black one of these two
houses from the other side of the street closer to Collingham was Elmo Brown's

Frank Adams Went to the
Thunderbird after the Trix dances, early 60's. The burgers were so big around

Mary Ann Burbary Champion My
home was the brick home to the left. It was much better maintained back then.
My Dad painted the trim and shutters "Sea Foam Green!" No, I didn't
know Elmo Brown. We never went to Thunderbird, our family NEVER ate out. Ended
up the boy I married (Met at Osborn) had close relatives who owned Thunderbird.
The Pugliese's. Thanks for posting these! Oh wait, my first job was answering
the phone at Miller Garages!
Alan Black Yes I remember
Miller Garages on 8 Mile from Joann westward along 8 Mile.

Mary Jo Kinney Mary Ann, do
you have a sister named Cindy? I went to grade school with her. Fish and chips
at Thunderbird ... Yum!

Alan Black Mary Jo Kinney milk shakes and
hamburgers at the Thunderbird Drive were great too.

Mary Ann Burbary Champion Mary Jo Kinney ~ Yes, my "Big
Sister" is Cindy. Married for 52 years and has a quilt shop in South Lyon.

Mary Jo Kinney 52 years ...
Impressive. We weren't long term friends, but she was nice. I remember her
older sister too, but think I only met her once. I recall your mom giving us
sage advice about men one day. She said: "Always marry a man who loves you
more than you love him."

Gary Grant 19177 Strasburg -
between 7 and lapppin.

Alan Black thanks for your
response you were far out of the area I am focusing on now.

Tamara Slank Barlow btw St
Fair and Manning....70s

Alan Black thanks Tamara

Stephen Gasparovich Hickory
between State Fair and Fairmont.

Alan Black thanks Stephen

Claude Caponi Hey Steve, I
didn't know you were from the same neighborhood. We worked around each other
for many years, and coincidentally, we lived around the block from each other
years ago. Went to the same schools too. I hope all is well.

Stephen Gasparovich Hey Claude
Caponi. That is crazy we never connected the dots while at Chrysler. Mitch
Marecki also was in purchasing there and went to Osborn. Are you related to
Nancy Caponi?

Dennis Jones Barlow between
State Fair and Fairmount just one short block west of Waltham.

Claude Caponi 20115 Alcoy SW
corner of Alcoy and Bringard.

Alan Black I knew a Dan Demars
(spelling?) in our 8th grade class
who went into the navy and served on submarines.
Lost track many years ago.
He lived on Alcoy in the second house sold of Bringard.
Did you know him?
who went into the navy and served on submarines.
Lost track many years ago.
He lived on Alcoy in the second house sold of Bringard.
Did you know him?

Claude Caponi Demar;s lived
about six houses south of Bringard. I remember one of the brothers. I believe
his name was George, but we called him Skippy.

Alan Black Claude thank you.
My memory was only clear about their house being south of Bringard not the specific house.
My memory was only clear about their house being south of Bringard not the specific house.

Alan Black claude I think is
Dan from our graduation class

Roger Roney Hi, Claude. Yes, DeMars was the 5th house,
then Pelton, Popiel, Lorenzi, us, ...

Roger Roney Claude, were you still here when the
Zieleniewskis occupied the DeMar house?

Alan Black Roger after we
finished at Trix in June 1958 I never saw him again. I basically existed alone
going back and forth to OHS M to F.
Looking back over my life many times
I have realized the friends I lost or walk away from
because of focusing on new goals or dreams.
I have been left with bags and boxes of miscelleaneous jigsaw piece like clips of memories. Some real. Some imaginery
My last contact with him was when he went into the Navy to work on subs in his late teens I vaguely remember.
Much of my life consists of isolated or random collections of vague memories.
Looking back over my life many times
I have realized the friends I lost or walk away from
because of focusing on new goals or dreams.
I have been left with bags and boxes of miscelleaneous jigsaw piece like clips of memories. Some real. Some imaginery
My last contact with him was when he went into the Navy to work on subs in his late teens I vaguely remember.
Much of my life consists of isolated or random collections of vague memories.

Linda Cunningham Everyone knew
s Capino- your mom was a powerhouse at St. Rays!

Claude Caponi Roger, I
remember the Gordert's (Bob and Linda) moved from the big house on Alcoy and
Bringard (which they were renting), to Demar's house. Bob Gordert was a
motorcycle cop until he was injured in an accident. They moved up north shortly

Alan Black Claude Caponi thank you Claude.
None of those names ring any bells for me. Remember once I complete Trix in
1958 I seldom went near that part of the neighborhood I have highlighted.
Which corner was the BIG HOUSE located
NE, SE, SW, NW ?
based upon Google maps and photos I see that would be the NW corner house
Which corner was the BIG HOUSE located
NE, SE, SW, NW ?
based upon Google maps and photos I see that would be the NW corner house

Alan Black here is the aerial

Claude Caponi Yes.

Alan Black I have vague
memories of that house
from my walking to school and back
from our house on Joann street
on the days I walked along Bringard
to John Trix.
Even then before I turned 14
I was a wanderer who almost NEVER walked the same route to and back from school.
I would walk each of the streets parallel to Joann randomaly
I would walk along Collingham some days
and walk along Bringard some days
VARIETY has been an OBCESSION of my mind and personality even then almost 60 years ago.
from my walking to school and back
from our house on Joann street
on the days I walked along Bringard
to John Trix.
Even then before I turned 14
I was a wanderer who almost NEVER walked the same route to and back from school.
I would walk each of the streets parallel to Joann randomaly
I would walk along Collingham some days
and walk along Bringard some days
VARIETY has been an OBCESSION of my mind and personality even then almost 60 years ago.

Roger Roney Alan, your reply of 1-11, 6:54am is
confusing. Are you answering some question I don't recall asking? Who are you
talking about? I asked Claude if he knew the
Zieleniewski's when they occupied the DeMar house, which is long after you

James Zarzycki I Lived on the
corner of Goulburn and Manning. 19633 Goulburn. I went to Pulaski, Von Steuben,
and Osborn, class of 71'. My draft number was #5. Took the physical and got my
letter tobe ready to report to the Army. So I decided to join the Navy. USN 72
- 76

Alan Black thanks for sharing

Terry Schmidt Never drafted.
Just joined the USMC 1966

Lori Johnson Blackmer At the
very bottom of the map 1 block south of State Fair on Tacoma and Joann

Alan Black thanks Lori. I was
not a wanderer when I was in elementary or high school like I have become over
the past 40+ years.
I think once I may have ridden my bicycle to 7 Mile and Gratiot and road near your location.
I think once I may have ridden my bicycle to 7 Mile and Gratiot and road near your location.

Lori Johnson Blackmer I was a
wanderer, I hung out between Eastland and Osborn and 8 mile to south of
Jefferson. Belle Isle, the foot of Alter, Angel Park, Eastown, Grande Ballroom,
Fridays at Mt. Zion church, Amani Coffee House, Joann Park, Duchess Restaurant,
Cass Tech for 10th grade. Couldn't keep up there so to Osborn I went for 11th
and 12th '74

Alan Black you truly were a
wanderer. I went to Eastland from when it first opened throughout my high
school years.
I was at Osborn from Sept 58 to June 62
Some of the other places you listed I didn't go until my senior year at LIT in 65 or 66 before I got married.
Joann Park I was at one in 61 or 62
Dutch's I hung out in the afternoon M to TH
almost all the time. Plus Dutch and Banjo
were the first people to hire me to go cartoon posters for them.
I was suppose to go to Cass Tech right from Trix in 58 but my mother refused to let me and I entered OHS as a freshman.
I was at Osborn from Sept 58 to June 62
Some of the other places you listed I didn't go until my senior year at LIT in 65 or 66 before I got married.
Joann Park I was at one in 61 or 62
Dutch's I hung out in the afternoon M to TH
almost all the time. Plus Dutch and Banjo
were the first people to hire me to go cartoon posters for them.
I was suppose to go to Cass Tech right from Trix in 58 but my mother refused to let me and I entered OHS as a freshman.

Roger Roney Alan, I think Lori is talking about the Duchess
Drive-In restaurant on Morang, corner of Duchess. Both being hangouts, there is
always confusion between Duchess & Dutch's, across from Osborn. :-)

Alan Black Roger Roney thank you. I never
knew about Duchess Drive-IN. Dutch's across from OHS on 7 Mile was what I
thought she was writing about.

Lori Johnson Blackmer It was
the one across from Osborn didn't know there was a drive in either. What
happened at Dutch's - stayed there.

Roger Roney See, I said things
get confusing between the two. :-) Now
for more fun, throw in the Duchess Bar, later topless joint, on Van Dyke just N
of 7. :-)

Cathy Schulte-Abate Roger Roney Was not always

Roger Roney Cathy Schulte-Abate, I already said
that! Why are you digging up a year old thread just to repeat what I said?

Daniel Margherio Hickory
between Lappin n Pinewood !

Dee Thomen Albion between
Manning and Sturgis

Alan Black thanks Dee
I am focusing on a small area around where my parents house is located. My initial question was meant to find people who knew people in this area.
I greatly appreciate all the responses but most are from far outside of the area I am interested in
a 6 block (east to west)
by a 4 or 5 block (north from 8 mile towards State Fair)
I am focusing on a small area around where my parents house is located. My initial question was meant to find people who knew people in this area.
I greatly appreciate all the responses but most are from far outside of the area I am interested in
a 6 block (east to west)
by a 4 or 5 block (north from 8 mile towards State Fair)

Barbara Schmidt Collingham. 2
houses off Marbud. Anyone remember Marbud Park?

Charlie Barlow used to play
there all day long in the summer and skated till dark in the winter

Charlie Barlow Hello Barb

Barbara Schmidt Charlie Barlow Hello to you! Many
gd memories.

Michael A Masinick I remember
ice skating and playing hockey there with Charlie Barlow.

Alan Black my little microcosm
now has expand in the past 48 hrs connecting reconnecting people.
this is great.
this is great.

Stephen Gasparovich Hey Claude Caponi. That is crazy we never
connected the dots while at Chrysler. Mitch Marecki also was in purchasing
there and went to Osborn. Are you related to Nancy Caponi?

Claude Caponi Nancy is my

Lori Oneofakind 20544 Alcoy 5
houses off 8 Mile

Alan Black from when to when
Lori....trying to remember who I would have probably known on your block from
my class.

Lori Oneofakind Robert Alan Black I was class of
70 at St Rays and 74 at Osborn. Tomczaks lived kitty corner across the street
they had 2 older sons you might have known

Alan Black thanks Lori
I was 58 class of John Trix before middle schools were created in Detroit
62 Class of OHS - 1st full 4 year class and one of the last
I moved to Florida in 72.
I was long gone from Detroit shortly after the riots of 67.
I was 58 class of John Trix before middle schools were created in Detroit
62 Class of OHS - 1st full 4 year class and one of the last
I moved to Florida in 72.
I was long gone from Detroit shortly after the riots of 67.

Tamara Slank Did you play
football with Ron Slank?

Alan Black Tamara are asking me
about playing football with Ron Stank?
I only played pick up football with friends until I joined a fraternity in college at LIT when I played on AGU's
flag ball team.
I only played pick up football with friends until I joined a fraternity in college at LIT when I played on AGU's
flag ball team.

Tamara Slank My husband
thought his brother Ron played football at Michigan State with Bob Black

Alan Black he may have but I
didn't go to Michigan State.
LIT and WSU in Michigan
and then other schools later
LIT and WSU in Michigan
and then other schools later

Nancy Gentile-Elston I'm a late
bloomer here. My sweet sis, Pattie, just joined me to Osborn Alumni yesterday.
I graduated with you in 1962. Nancy Gentile. HI !

Alan Black Hello Nancy
this is Al Black (Alan most of my life)
where are you sitting in our 1958 8th grade graduation photo.
Do you remember the names I have left with questions marks?
this is Al Black (Alan most of my life)
where are you sitting in our 1958 8th grade graduation photo.
Do you remember the names I have left with questions marks?

Gary Grant Hello Nancy Gentile
- we had some classes together.

Nancy Gentile-Elston Al...love
your 8th grade photo. I recognized many of our OHS classmates. However, I went
to OLGC through 8th grade then Von Steuben for 9th. Great memories.

Nancy Gentile-Elston Hi Gary!
Yes we did have classes together. Don't you dare ask me what though. I took
mostly college prep but didn't go to college until my 30's. Did you graduate
from 8th grade with Al?

Alan Black Nancy Elston ....I remember your
name Nancy Gentile because we probably sat near each other in English, Biology,
Chemistry, Math etc.
I wasn't sure if you had been in my Trix class. now I know you came to Osborn later.
What was/is OLGC?
I entered OHS in 1958 in the 9th grade.
I wasn't sure if you had been in my Trix class. now I know you came to Osborn later.
What was/is OLGC?
I entered OHS in 1958 in the 9th grade.

Alan Black Gary Grant...your
name sounds familiar..Did we have a drafting or art class together in our
Freshman or Sophomore years?

Nancy Gentile-Elston Robert Alan Black...Our Lady of Good
Counsel prepared me for public (lol) school..not. I wish that I could put a
face with your name. I will pull out my Accolade and check you out. I did take
all the classes you mentioned plus Latin. Have you been in contact with any '62

Nancy Gentile-Elston Robert Alan Black....i checked your
1958 class photo and wonder if the gal next to Bob Kosek is Connie...last
name...will come to me eventually.

Alan Black I think you may be
correct...Connie seems right She was not someone I got to know in the class

Alan Black Nancy Elston here is my 1962 OHS
graduation photo
very few of the 1962 graduation class.
I just learned tonight that Denny Kaufman died in December 2016.
He and Carole Herman divorced years ago and he remarried.
Once I started at LIT - Lawrence Tech in Sept 62 I lost contact with OHS classmates except Richard Stechebar who I car pooled to LIT with during our freshman year.
very few of the 1962 graduation class.
I just learned tonight that Denny Kaufman died in December 2016.
He and Carole Herman divorced years ago and he remarried.
Once I started at LIT - Lawrence Tech in Sept 62 I lost contact with OHS classmates except Richard Stechebar who I car pooled to LIT with during our freshman year.

Alan Black Nancy Elston
I have tried through CLASSMATES, OHS ALUMNI and EAST DETROIT Facebook groups with almost no results
Jean Rozell I reconnected with thru the internet in March/April thanks to Bud Rose who I stayed with one night in Florida. Until he and I connected thru Facebook I had always thought he was a Denby student because we took Driver's Ed together at Denby at night.
I have tried through CLASSMATES, OHS ALUMNI and EAST DETROIT Facebook groups with almost no results
Jean Rozell I reconnected with thru the internet in March/April thanks to Bud Rose who I stayed with one night in Florida. Until he and I connected thru Facebook I had always thought he was a Denby student because we took Driver's Ed together at Denby at night.

Nancy Gentile-Elston Robert
Alan Black...wow just look at the handsome young man. And I do remember you.
Just to think 55 years ago! My bestie in high school was Joyce Weyer. She lives
in Oklahoma and we stay in contact. Bob Kosek lives in Florida as well as Bud
Rose. I heard that Mike Ferguson drowned in about 1968. Barbara Halatsis died a
few years ago. Rich Gray lives in Nevada and now I'm sounding like a reporter.
Do you still live in Michigan? Lol....just read your last post and overlap your
information. I have e mails from Buddy, I always liked him. And I also took
drivers ed at Denby...but didn't we all back then.

Nancy Gentile-Elston Just
found this in an old box of photos. Trix grad class 1957. Bet you can name a
few. I can too!

Alan Black Nancy Elston
I reconnected with Bud Rose about 18 months ago and stayed with him in his house in Florida one night and day last March. I met Buddy/Bud through Driver's Ed at DENBY.
Until we reconnected I never knew he was an Osborn HS student and in my graduation class.
Bob Kosek I have not had contact at all whether thru CLASSMATES that I had signed up for and paid for a couple times in the past 15 to 20 years.
I just downloaded and enlarged your photo. Once I could really see it I realized it was not my class picture. Looking through all the rows there is not one face unfortunately I remember.
You were always one year ahead of my class and we seldom if ever had classes together. You and some of your classmates may have attended the Friday night Trix dances. I was very shy then and didn't easily mingle with other kids outside of those in my class and even many of those I sadly never truly got to know then.
Did you know Kathy Reyst?
She and I communicated through email and Facebook for a year or two until she suddenly died of a heart attack.
Roger Snyder from my class and I have been communicating through Facebook over the past few months.
Rick Sigman and I communicated through email a few years ago for awhile.
Here is the photo I have from Class of 1958.. with most of the names on it
Jean Rozell sent me the missing names just in the past month.
Bud reconnected me with Jean and her husband Mike thru the internet
1957 class I knew the Adamzak twins and maybe a couple others from playing softball at Wish Egan or maybe scouts like Rich Gray's older brother.
I reconnected with Bud Rose about 18 months ago and stayed with him in his house in Florida one night and day last March. I met Buddy/Bud through Driver's Ed at DENBY.
Until we reconnected I never knew he was an Osborn HS student and in my graduation class.
Bob Kosek I have not had contact at all whether thru CLASSMATES that I had signed up for and paid for a couple times in the past 15 to 20 years.
I just downloaded and enlarged your photo. Once I could really see it I realized it was not my class picture. Looking through all the rows there is not one face unfortunately I remember.
You were always one year ahead of my class and we seldom if ever had classes together. You and some of your classmates may have attended the Friday night Trix dances. I was very shy then and didn't easily mingle with other kids outside of those in my class and even many of those I sadly never truly got to know then.
Did you know Kathy Reyst?
She and I communicated through email and Facebook for a year or two until she suddenly died of a heart attack.
Roger Snyder from my class and I have been communicating through Facebook over the past few months.
Rick Sigman and I communicated through email a few years ago for awhile.
Here is the photo I have from Class of 1958.. with most of the names on it
Jean Rozell sent me the missing names just in the past month.
Bud reconnected me with Jean and her husband Mike thru the internet
1957 class I knew the Adamzak twins and maybe a couple others from playing softball at Wish Egan or maybe scouts like Rich Gray's older brother.

Alan Black Nancy Elston
Now I have read you complete message and will respond here.…See More
Now I have read you complete message and will respond here.…See More

Nancy Gentile-Elston Just a 55
year catch up for me....marreid Jerry Kosek and we had 4 children. Divorced,
went to college (RN) and remarried to Bob who is a farmer and will never
retire. We have a blended family of 7 children, 8 grandchildren and 5 great
grandchildren. We spend 3 months in Florida every year but this year....
Bob broke his foot. Last March we also planned to meet with Buddy but had to
leave early due to a cousins death. I also went to our 10th year reunion. Wish
we had others. I live in Melvin, Michigan. ...30 miles northwest of Port Huron.
Thanks for sharing. I enjoy your updates. Take care.

Alan Black Gary Grant you and I had an art
class or drafting class or two at OHS.

Gary Grant Took drafting for a
couple of years.

Nancy Gentile-Elston No! No!
No! Don't want gossip to get started....Bob Kosek is my x bro-in-law. He and
his wife (3rd ) live in Florida. I married Bob Elston who graduated from Port
Huron High class of 1962 and 4th generation farmer on our homestead. Looks like
I could have mislead you....or were you trying to read between the lines?

Alan Black Yes the answer was
staring me in the face. My error. I will delete my earlier messages. Very sorry
about my mistake.

Alan Black Nancy it was
clearly my mistake.
My little knowledge of Bob Kosek is what led me to wonder about his becoming a farmer and not an engineer or architect.
My little knowledge of Bob Kosek is what led me to wonder about his becoming a farmer and not an engineer or architect.

Terry Robert Mullen Tell Patty
I said hello

Nancy Gentile-Elston Terry Robert Mullen ....I will.
How does Pattie know you?

Mary Jo Kinney 20521
Westphalia, between 8 Mile and Collingham.

Alan Black Mary Jo what was
the name of the drug store with a lunch counter at 8 Mile and Goulburn or maybe
it was Westphalia.
Two of my TRIX classmates lived on Westphalia
Gloria Swenson and Jimmy Sikorski see them in the front row on the left
Two of my TRIX classmates lived on Westphalia
Gloria Swenson and Jimmy Sikorski see them in the front row on the left

Mary Jo Kinney Wow! Don't
recall the name of the drugstore. Haven't thought about that in years! I think
my brother, Louis Rybicki, was friends with Jimmy Sikorski.

Alan Black I believe that
Jimmy (Jim) went on to Cass Tech in the 9th grade as I was suppose to until my
mother refused to let me.
I ended up at Osborn (pissed as a 14 year old) and mostly skated through until I graduated and was turned down my UofM for admission into their architectural program in 1962.
Instead I went on to LIT, graduated, became an NCARB registered architect and practiced for 20 years before leaving that career behind me.
I ended up at Osborn (pissed as a 14 year old) and mostly skated through until I graduated and was turned down my UofM for admission into their architectural program in 1962.
Instead I went on to LIT, graduated, became an NCARB registered architect and practiced for 20 years before leaving that career behind me.

Mary Jo Kinney Wow. Good for
you! Sounds like you did great! I was forced to go to Catholic schools until I
rebelled in the 11th grade and happily went to Osborn!

Dennis Jones Wasn't the name
of that drug store Cunningham?

Mary Jo Kinney That's the
first thought that came to my mind too.

Dennis Jones I remember that
they had a soda fountain in it..

Mary Jo Kinney Dang we are
getting old(er).

Alan Black Mary Jo Kinney thank you, I began
to take over my life step by step and have ever since even when tragedies have

Roger Roney Dennis Jones, no, wasn't a

Alan Black the one I am
thinking about on 8 Mile in my neighborhood was a privately own individual drug
store not a chain store.
Actually i am not sure I ever really knew the name of it.
It was the closest drug store to my house.
also on 8 Mile were
Paul's Grocery store at Hickory and 8
another one between Alcoy and Hickory or Joann in the middle of the two streets
R&R Grocery at Fairport and 8 owned by my classmate, Bob Miller's parents.
I think there was another one at the southeast corner of 8 and Waltham
Actually i am not sure I ever really knew the name of it.
It was the closest drug store to my house.
also on 8 Mile were
Paul's Grocery store at Hickory and 8
another one between Alcoy and Hickory or Joann in the middle of the two streets
R&R Grocery at Fairport and 8 owned by my classmate, Bob Miller's parents.
I think there was another one at the southeast corner of 8 and Waltham

Roger Roney SE corner of 8
& Waltham was a (Thomas?) Sports store.
One & the same; Paul's AKA Hickory-8 Market.
One & the same; Paul's AKA Hickory-8 Market.

Alan Black Sports store
vaguely sounds familiar.
I very seldom went that far along 8 mile except to go to the Dairy Queen next to the gas station on the NW corner or the
Pool Hall just west of there. That would have been in 61 or 62.
I very seldom went that far along 8 mile except to go to the Dairy Queen next to the gas station on the NW corner or the
Pool Hall just west of there. That would have been in 61 or 62.

Roger Roney The Dairy Queen
was on the S side of 8 between Hamburg & Strasburg. Gas station on NW
corner of 8 & Waltham, then Wiater's Beveridge, pool hall further W.

Alan Black that was after I
lived on Joann because the DQ I walked to or road my bike to was on the north
side. That memory I have had for 60 years that has been consistent. I can still
see images of me standing in front of it next to the gas station.

Alan Black don't remember the
Beverage store. but my only reason for going to that part of 8 mile was either
the DQ or the pool hall up to 1962 at the latest. I rarely ever went before
Waltham to the west or Reno to the east on foot and even more rarely on my
thanks for the info.
thanks for the info.

Marilyn Hotchkiss Waltsgott Yes
there was a sporting store on 8 mile and Waltham. I worked there in high
school. My brother worked at the drug store on Goldburn and 8 Mile and it was a
privately owned company. I'm working on the names of both. Need some caffeine

Michael A Masinick Marilyn Hotchkiss Waltsgott I
remember both as well, but no names come to mind.

Alan Black Marilyn Hotchkiss Waltsgott yes that
is the one I mean.
I use to look at magazines there
and on occasion had a sundae or milk shake at the lunch counter in the 50s and early 60s.
I use to look at magazines there
and on occasion had a sundae or milk shake at the lunch counter in the 50s and early 60s.

Alan Black thanks also folks
about the reminder of the SPORTING GOODS Store. Don't think I ever bought
anything in there but remember it being at the corner.

Marilyn Hotchkiss Waltsgott Robert Alan Black I'm pretty sure
it was Thompson Sporting Goods

Alan Black Marilyn Hotchkiss Waltsgott thank
you.....I have no memory of the name.

Marilyn Hotchkiss Waltsgott Sold
misting boats, motors, guns etc

Mary Jo Kinney Marilyn
Hotchkiss Waltsgott: I think my sister dated your brother in high school. Is
his name Paul?

Alan Black Mary Jo Kinney if your message was
for me ALAN my brothers are 5 and 8 years older than me and left Trix in 55 and
50 respectively.

Mary Jo Kinney Nope. It was
meant for Marilyn Hotchkiss Waltsgott.

Marilyn Hotchkiss Waltsgott Mary Jo Kinney yes. What was your
maiden name and your sister's name

Mary Jo Kinney Marilyn
Hotchkiss Waltsgott:
Her name was Carol Rybicki.
Her name was Carol Rybicki.

Alan Black no problem Mary
Jo...just checking to be sure.

Marilyn Hotchkiss Waltsgott Plagure
Drugstore Is the name of the Store on
8 mile and Goldburn. No wonder no one remembers the name of it. But my brother did since he worked there.
8 mile and Goldburn. No wonder no one remembers the name of it. But my brother did since he worked there.

Stephen Gasparovich There was
also a restaurant around 8 Mile and Fairport called Thunderbird.

Alan Black remember the
Thunderbird Drive In well. police car or two were often parked there during
their shifts.

Marsha Miller Albertson Remember
it well!!

Mary Jo Kinney My favorite
place to play hooky fom church.

Mavi Keane Teppert near 7
mile, the Fairmount near Gratiot

Mavi Keane Then

Marsha Miller Albertson Strasburg
between Fairmount and Bringard.

John R. Wooden State fair and
Gratiot area👁

Alan Black for me your area
was a foreign country until after I graduated from high school and eventually
got my first car.

Diane Marcoux Diane Chinoski
(Marcoux) - lived right on the corner of Fairport and Fairmont directly across
the street from Saint Raymond's school. Went to Saint Raymonds from 1st to 8th
grade graduated in 1960, graduated from Osborn in 1964.

Terry Schmidt Did you know my
brothers? Jim and Dan Schmidt.

Diane Marcoux Terry Schmidt - I knew Dan.

Terry Schmidt KIA in Nam in
67. Still miss him.

Diane Marcoux Terry Schmidt - so sorry. I
remember his big smile.

Renay Schulz Andren 19941
Waltham Class of 66

Alan Black thanks for reaching
Renay.....my targeted area that I was asking about doesn't include your
address. thanks any way.

Alan Black once again THANKS
to ALL OF YOU who have responded. I appreciate all your messages/posts.

Jan Lucatelli Gorski Outside
your perimeter:
on State Fair, one block east of Schoenherr, 1/2 mile south of 8-mile, east of Waltham. Grew up in the 50's and 60's.
on State Fair, one block east of Schoenherr, 1/2 mile south of 8-mile, east of Waltham. Grew up in the 50's and 60's.

Alan Black thanks for writing.

Alan Black just outside of my
early childhood world, sadly
I was 33 when I started traveling the world....93 countries and 49 states so far.
So many people I never met or got to know within a 1/2 mile or 1 mile radius of my little world from 1949 to 1966 when I left
I was 33 when I started traveling the world....93 countries and 49 states so far.
So many people I never met or got to know within a 1/2 mile or 1 mile radius of my little world from 1949 to 1966 when I left

Jan Lucatelli Gorski Not
unlike most of us! Now, we are living in Colorado.

Alan Black I left Detroit in
1972. When did you leave Jan?

Jan Lucatelli Gorski Robert,
Moved the first time in 1974. Returned after many years of moving with my
husband's career. Returned to Davisburg in 2003. Sold our house and moved to
Colorado one month ago.

Janet Sardelli Nope, east of
schoenheer, but west of waltham, south of 7mile

Janet Sardelli West of
schoenherr and west of waltham also

Alan Black okay....Ramona Bowl
is the only place and the Ramona Movie Theater and the Library were the only
places I ever went on McNichols.

Alan Black you confused me
Schoenherr runs north and south from above 8 mile until it deadness in McNichols (Six Mile)
how do you end up west of Waltham south of 7 mile?
Waltham runs parallel to Scheonherr until it hits McNichols and then turns east to run into Gratiot.
what do you mean?
Schoenherr runs north and south from above 8 mile until it deadness in McNichols (Six Mile)
how do you end up west of Waltham south of 7 mile?
Waltham runs parallel to Scheonherr until it hits McNichols and then turns east to run into Gratiot.
what do you mean?

Janet Sardelli 2nd mistake i
just made on here, i lived bet, hoover and schoenherr, bet 6 and 7 mile
sorry..u helped me once to go to aeriele view to bradford and find my house

Stephen Gasparovich Waltham is
west of Schoenherr so one cannot live east of Schoenherr and west of Waltham

Janet Sardelli I know, duh
corrected it

Larry Glod Did you happened to
play for "Wish Egan Eagles", 1957 or 58 ?

Roger Roney Larry, Who are you asking?

Larry Glod I guess anyone who
played when Dennie DeAngelo was the quarterback.

Alan Black Larry do you have a
photo of Dennie/Denny DeAngelo?
the name sounds familiar from over almost 60 years of life but no specific memories are coming back.
the name sounds familiar from over almost 60 years of life but no specific memories are coming back.

Larry Glod I'm not sure where
the team picture is at this time, but I'll try to post it.

Alan Black Larry I knew a
variety of Dennys as I grew up
In high school my close friends during different class years
Denny Desilets - freshman....he got me into a bowling league at Ramona Bowl on McNichols
Denny Kaufman - junior and senior year....he and his girl friend soon after wife got me my first "girl friend" truly stretching that term in my junior year when we began double dating.
Denny LeMars or DeMars was a friend in the 8th grade who I often walked with from his house to Trix or home from Trix to his street and then I walked on to my house on Joann.
but no memories as I sit here now of a Dennie DeAngelo
that family name reminds me of Barbara DeAngelo a professional speaker I have heard and me once years ago
In high school my close friends during different class years
Denny Desilets - freshman....he got me into a bowling league at Ramona Bowl on McNichols
Denny Kaufman - junior and senior year....he and his girl friend soon after wife got me my first "girl friend" truly stretching that term in my junior year when we began double dating.
Denny LeMars or DeMars was a friend in the 8th grade who I often walked with from his house to Trix or home from Trix to his street and then I walked on to my house on Joann.
but no memories as I sit here now of a Dennie DeAngelo
that family name reminds me of Barbara DeAngelo a professional speaker I have heard and me once years ago

Alan Black Larry thanks for
I only played baseball on teams at Wish Egan Park
or skated on the ice in the winter.
The only football I played as a kid was pick up with friends and often in Milt Love's backyard.
I only played baseball on teams at Wish Egan Park
or skated on the ice in the winter.
The only football I played as a kid was pick up with friends and often in Milt Love's backyard.

Marsha Miller Albertson Does anyone
remember the girls baseball team at Wish Egan Park called The Greenbrier's??

Marilyn Hotchkiss Waltsgott Yes.
I think I was the first baseman 🤔

Marsha Miller Albertson What!!!!
Do you remember playing against a team where Sue Hay was the pitcher?

Marilyn Hotchkiss Waltsgott Marsha Miller AlbertsonYeah right!!! My
memory sucks. Do you remember playing against me? I also was a pitcher? Who
knows we could have been in the same team 😂😂😂😂. I played ball off and on too! A church league did me
in 🤓🙀

Marsha Miller Albertson No I
guess I don't 😱. I
remember Sue mainly because we became friends in HS and in our 20's went back
to playing baseball for years to follow.

Marilyn Hotchkiss Waltsgott Marsha
Miller Albertson really. How cool is that. 😎

Terry Robert Mullen Played
every summer, and dad coached

Alan Black sounds vaguely
familiar did they play in the 50s? After graduating from grade school at Trix
which is connected to Wish Egan field/park I seldom ever returned to it as a
high school student and never after 1962 for sure.

Marsha Miller Albertson This
was around 57-58. I went to Pulaski but played ball at that park for about
three seasons. Had shirts and all🤗.

Alan Black Marsha I probably
did see your team play then.

Marilyn Hotchkiss Waltsgott That
was the only place girls had for an organized team sport near us.

Marsha Miller Albertson You
are right Marilyn. I played with my best friend/neighbor Joann Januzek. We
would walk from Strasburg all the way to that park to play. Funny, I went on to
play A class ball until my late 30's. Wonderful memories.

Pattie Bennett she now lives
in fl and doing well

Marsha Miller Albertson Did
they finally sell their house. I saw her last year and at that time they
hadn't. So is she full time in Fl.?

Cathy Manion Carlone Alcoy
between St Fair and 8 mile. St Raymond parish

Alan Black Cathy your home
is/was not far from mine on Joann just south of 8 Mile.

Cathy Manion Carlone What yrs
you looking for

Jim Krug Hamburg &

Alan Black not far from my
home on Joann Jim Krug

Jim Krug I know we didn't chum
in HS, but I remember you as being a somber student. God bless.

Alan Black "somber"
probably would fit.
I was not a happy camper.
I wanted to go to Cass and it was all set but then my mother refused to sign the permission.
OHS was not where I wanted to be
those 4 years were mostly a waste of time to me then.
Hope I wasn't rude to you Jim.
other than hanging out at Dutch's I have very few happy, pleasant, good memories.
A mistake by one of my 4 different counselors in 4 years student aides caused the UofM to turn me down for Freshman entrance in 1962. I road a Greyhound from Detroit to Ann Arbor to challenge their refusal and that is when I found out that my SENIOR MATH grade on my transcript was listed as
SH Math nor SR Math
my Cs in Chemistry (Ms Puce who I hated) and Cs in Physics (Mr. Holderidge was a good teacher...I was bored and didn't study)
As you can see I still have many memories.
Do you remember me drawing cartoons?
I draw negative cartoons about some of my teachers such as
Mrs. Miles who I cruely labeled MILES AROUND because of her short stature and size. I suffered her as my World History teacher and my first art class (which I found a waste of time compared to the art classes I had with Mrs. Johnson for years at Trix.
Jim share a photo so I can spark my memory.
What classes did we have together.
I have been corresponding with some OHS June 1962 and a couple Trix 1958 grads thanks to Facebook for years or through direct emails.
I was not a happy camper.
I wanted to go to Cass and it was all set but then my mother refused to sign the permission.
OHS was not where I wanted to be
those 4 years were mostly a waste of time to me then.
Hope I wasn't rude to you Jim.
other than hanging out at Dutch's I have very few happy, pleasant, good memories.
A mistake by one of my 4 different counselors in 4 years student aides caused the UofM to turn me down for Freshman entrance in 1962. I road a Greyhound from Detroit to Ann Arbor to challenge their refusal and that is when I found out that my SENIOR MATH grade on my transcript was listed as
SH Math nor SR Math
my Cs in Chemistry (Ms Puce who I hated) and Cs in Physics (Mr. Holderidge was a good teacher...I was bored and didn't study)
As you can see I still have many memories.
Do you remember me drawing cartoons?
I draw negative cartoons about some of my teachers such as
Mrs. Miles who I cruely labeled MILES AROUND because of her short stature and size. I suffered her as my World History teacher and my first art class (which I found a waste of time compared to the art classes I had with Mrs. Johnson for years at Trix.
Jim share a photo so I can spark my memory.
What classes did we have together.
I have been corresponding with some OHS June 1962 and a couple Trix 1958 grads thanks to Facebook for years or through direct emails.

Roy Drumm Sorry east of
Scheonherr on Fairmount, good old Trix my grade school!

Terry Robert Mullen hickory
and bringard. great times in a wonderful place.not so much now

James Zarzycki Goulburn and
Manning, corner house.... extremely close but no cigar!!! Merry Christmas and
Happy New Years to all from the old neighborhood. 💞😎

Nancy Gentile-Elston James Zarzycki ...are you related
to Tom?

James Zarzycki Nancy Gentile-Elston Yes I am

Nancy Gentile-Elston James Zarzycki Please tell him
that I said "hi".

Doris Pierce Also East of

Brian Jewhurst I LIVED AT 7
AND WESTPHALIA, but I didn't grow up there, I HAVENT totally grown up YET!!!!

Mary Jo Kinney Westphalia
between Collingham and Eight Mile Rd. My 1st 'date' was at the Trix Spring

Linda Cunningham Linda Young
Cunningham in Waltham between Manning and State Fair. Great place to grow up.
Ball field on the corner, Barlow Boys Club around the block thanks to Mr.

Renay Schulz Andren I lived on
Waltham near State fair. I am currently retired to Sun City Center Florida. I
was in the class 0f 66

Jerry Orlando Annott between
bringuard & collingham from 1948 till 1966.
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