Evolution or Revolution of My Life in on Year
Evolution, Destruction or Revolution of
My Life in on Year
My Life in on Year
this letter to an international creativity friend/colleague is in response to this photo taken in 2014 in South Africa at ACRE.
I have collected many photos since 1980 of me speaking, training, teaching, traveling and discovered due to my preferred Highly Intuitive/UPPER RIGHT BRAIN Thinking Style, developing VALUES SYSTEM, BEHAVIOR PATTERNS according to the hundreds of tests, quizzes, questionnaires I have taken and/or studied that I my own community with multiple personas or personalities
especially during and since 2014 that
show many different personas, personalities I seem to have.
I am not a stereotypic person, especially since I began my most dramatic EVOLUTION beginning in 1976, or as a speaker, trainer or Creativity Movement person.
I am a multi-vert not an extrovert or introvert or even merely
an ambivert
My vertism changes throughout the day with the situation I am in, the mood am in and the people around me.
Since 1976 I developed the habit of trying to pick up negative and positive vibes as often as I can.
I attempt to be a likeable person but I am not a chameleon who becomes whatever other people are like around me or they want me to be.
Through studying hundreds of self-help and motivational books from 1967 onward and especially from 1976 to the mid-90s I have developed the habit of leaving, walking away, removing myself when I sense negativity or resistance to me so as not to offend other people or frustrate myself.
I have worn these rings for much of the past 40 years as reminders to be cautious of how I am CHOOSING to think and behave in the moment.
All thinking style and behavior tests I have taken since 1976 have shown
strong to extreme tendency towards upper right brain or intuitive or Innovative thinking, scoring the highest recorded on the Kirton, Torrance Solat, Herrmann Whole Brain Dominance test or the DISC (several versions)

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