Marco POLO I didn't truly become until 1977

Marco POLO I didn't truly become until 1977

Robert Alan Black would be interesting to see a map showing the locations of all our houses.
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Barbara Karas Stork There were so many kids at that time, it would b dot on dot!!!
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Robert Alan Black yes it would have so many dots.

Still would be curious what elementary or middle schools they came from and the various neighborhoods

I was not adventurous much when I lived on Joann Street

Walked to John Trix at Bringard and Scheonherr surrounded by Reno on the east and Wish Egan city park and State Fair at the far end.

I seldom ventured beyond Reno to the East, 8 Mile to the north, Waltham to the west and State Fair to the south on foot or by bike.

Once I started OHS in 1958 I did venture as far as Gratiot a few times or 7 Mile and Gratiot, McNichols and Scheonherr and to Ramona Bowl to Hoover on the west from 8 Mile to 7 Mile
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Robert Alan Black during high school my world increased someManage
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Robert Alan Black once I started at LIT at 10 and NW Hwy my world expanded again

when I met my future life it expanded as far as Grand River from 8 to Greenfield

and so on and so on

until I chose to become a world traveler in 1967 and 1977 and eventually when I went on my first COMPLETELY AROUND TRIP in 2001.

Marco Polo I didn't become until 1977.


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