Dear H

I just wrote a detailed message in relation to the Marcus A post you LIKED with the intention of posting it on your TIMELINE only to discover that you block such posts on your TIMELINE and it completely disappeared.

​during mid 80s to mid 90s I read extensively about communication and thinking preparing to design, plan, prepare and present programs on both topics and the integration of both.

Thinking, the teaching of, types of has been a topic I have been zealous about since I was in architectural school from 1962 to 1966.  My zealous eventually led me to gifted education, education, learning, teaching, training to most of what I have now done since 1976 and led me to work on 4 degrees in education and creativity completing two of them

a couple books that reinforce and challenge the Marcus A quote (which is probably incomplete and out of context)

a couple of the books I recall from memory that impacted me

Richard Saul Wurman
architect turned communications guru
one of the 3 founders of the TED TALKS phenomenon 40+ years ago

will look for my copy upstairs later

basically what they each said in their own words was the following heuristic listing from facts to wisdom

facts/data - what physically exists in the universe

information - the selected facts/data that individuals, professions, groups, cultures, countries, religions notice and choose to accept

knowledge - what "ditto" accept and lived by based up all the human difference variables that bias the specific facts/data that is noticed and selected and becomes information that leads to knowledge

Wisdom - truths that are discovered by only a few in "ditto"

hear = opinion?
see = perspective?

in many cases yes

in all cases?   I have never accepted that narrow view.

Some people: artists, writers, poets, philosophers, researches I believe can get past opinion or perspective barriers to objective realities or truths.

Studying (beginning in 1976 through to today) hundreds of thinking style or human style instruments, models, theories and creating my own I began calling M.I.N.D. DESIGN ™ in 1982 I do not totally accept this narrow minded quote.

MEDITATIVE thinkers - use facts, logic, analysis, rational thinking to generate what they accept

I do not consider those merely OPINIONS or PERSPECTIVES

INTUITIVE thinkers - use imagination, hunches, guesses, creativity, gut to generate they ideas, concepts without consciously using facts, logic, analysis, rational thinking but rather trust intuition and unknowing why knowing

I do not consider those merely OPINIONS or PERSPECTIVES

both of these can be called cognitive individual thinking styles or approaches

NEGOTIATIVE thinkers/mostly FEELERS rather than thinkers base nearly everything they accept upon how they FEEL or the people or groups to trust

yes I see these more often as OPINIONS or PERSPECTIVES because no analysis has been done

DIRECTIVE thinkers/doers - who use tradition, established accepted rules, policies and facts and never challenge them

yes often I see them as people who live by OPINION or PERSPECTIVE instead of true changing reality.



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