Creativity Road Trip Journal Dec 10, 2014

After my first successful drive of driving through the countryside to Greensboro, having a great evening with David and Betsey plus their MAGICAL Christmas Lights Tour and breakfast I had a fun general tour of CCL where David has worked fo about 25 years and Jonathan for the past couple years.
Then followed David's instructions along 220 to 150 to 29 as it wanders thru North Carolina and into Virginia.
Once again I had to call some one in order to find my actual destination: Hamptom Inn. I got lost in Charlottesville and ended up in the middle of the very busy Univ of VA campus.
Kathy from HI guided me in like an air traffic controller like David did on Monday evening.
Then I decided to walk some and find Sam's Kitchen
Got instructions from the counter people at the HI. Walked for about a mile to mile and a half and no restaurant.
Stopped in a service station. The man there went out of his way to call Sam's to get their location and address.
I had misunderstood the first instructions and had walked the wrong direction.
Off I went retracing my steps and continuing further in the other direction.
Still didn't find Sam's.
Ended up at a very nice looking Mexican restaurant, which I don't usually eat at those because they tend to cook with onions, peppers, cucumbers, olives and spice, which I do not eat.
ooops! again I had left my simple #1, Dollar Store glasses back at the HI.
Couldn't read the badly designed menu in the dark restaurant and asked for guidance and help from the waitress in ordering.
ooops! again
spicey and not how I thought I had ordered the burrito.
Oh well.
Then back walking to the HI.
Got my exercise
Had an unplanned adventure, mostly in the dark.
Then attempted to find some tv sow to watch on the giant flatscreen, digital tv with the remove, one channel code at a time.
Wheel of Fortune....
then internetted and watche Fraiser episodes using YouTube.
oh well.
Robert Alan Black as John Denver sings....SOME DAYS ARE DIAMONDS, SOME DAYS ARE STONES (or bits of gravel). Ranging from fabulously beautiful to basic or still, glad to be FREE and alive.
Kathysue Dorey
Kathysue Dorey Excellent adventure!
Robert Alan Black thank you for your LIKES, FBFs
42 mins


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