Social Changes in Industrialized Nations the last 40 years

Social Changes in Industrialized Nations the last 40 years

politicians, especially potus and the republicans have forgotten what Pete Seeger sang about most of his 90s years on this Earth


please listen/watch this video by John McCutcheon that I heard in person last night
a couple lines most people HAVE NEVER HEARD BEFORE

John McCutcheon told this story and sang the same song last night in Athens

the following is a conversation I have had this afternoon with a friend from Germany.
 Thanks for sharing! This song, this America I certainly have fond memories of.
LikeReply38 mins
Robert Alan Black it is the country I thought I grew up in
but during the past 40 year I have seen
it change to that of



disappearing MIDDLE CLASS.
LikeReply131 mins
Robert Alan Black currently the politician in control and potus and his cabinet of JERKS are not focused on the general public and have not been since Reagan.

Even Nixon help open markets into Russia an China
while he was paranoid about students and others that found the Vietnam CONFLICT wrong.
LikeReply115 mins
Robert Alan Black Heinz I agree with you about the CHANGES happening over decades since the end of WWII or at least since the 60s.

when I traveled around in 24 countries in 1977 from Ireland to Egypt I saw many things...See More
LikeReply14 minsEdited

The discrepancy between the rich and the poor is great in most countries. It's especially sad when this happens in model democracies like the USA. I find it hard to believe that the super rich in the administration will really help the middle class and the poor. Rather they as a kind of "oligarchy" and their friends will profit the most from the next four years. Should the opposite happen, I'd be the first to apologize.

This world could easily be a better world, if only the leaders of respective countries set an example. No one on this planet needs to starve. In principle, there's enough food to go around. It's a question of appropriate distribution, starting with global industries and their fair distribution systems.


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