Planning and Goal Setting at 72+ years of Age.
Planning and Goal Setting at 72+ years of Age.
Yesterday I had lunch with a friend of several years
who is 93. Just for fun because he is an interesting
person to talk with whenever we can get together.
It turned into a 3 or 4 hour discussion among friends
Here is the letter I sent him this morning
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Mike (this is a very long email with VISUAL AIDs---ha ha) printing it out to read might be best.

Yesterday I had lunch with a friend of several years
who is 93. Just for fun because he is an interesting
person to talk with whenever we can get together.
It turned into a 3 or 4 hour discussion among friends
Here is the letter I sent him this morning
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Mike (this is a very long email with VISUAL AIDs---ha ha) printing it out to read might be best.
As the adage goes....
Been There
Done That
Got the T-shirt to prove it
that was still HOT when I started my speaking and consulting work in 1980.
I have Banker Boxes and a couple closets FILLED with such T-Shirts.
* * * * * * *
I have truly lived my life so far with EXCESSIVE COMPULSION
The greatest year of change for me so far
was from when Merry had her first catatonic break from reality
while we were at the annual CPSI - Creative Problem Solving Institute
where we were both leaders/presenters for years.
Over the next 10 months much of my thinking about work and my life in general changed DRAMATICALLY
Almost all of the excellent suggestions you shared during our LUNCH,
fit me from 1966 until 1997 - 98.
Then CORPORATIONS, CAREER and some other words
Over the next few years up to my time in prison
I changed from being a PROFESSIONAL SPEAKER
to a wanderer.
I have generated income in many ways since 1960 when I first was paid to draw cartoons and posters for the hangout across from Osborn High in Detroit....
49 jobs, 8 careers....
I have been internalizing some to much of what you said
and of course translating it into things I will choose to do
my way. (ha ha)
As I mentioned and demonstrated yesterday I am a highly visual
communicator from doodles to sketches to diagrams to.....etc.
In 1966 or 67 my first father in law introduced me to
by the fellow who had been the voice of the LONE RANGER on Radio
and had become a motivational speaker
He gave me a 78 rpm record of the GREATEST SECRET
then my first wife, my in laws by brother in law and his wife
all became AMWAY dealers.
I was a graduate of architecture trying to become a licensed architect
and suddenly at night in what spare time I wasn't already doing moonlight cartoon and graphic design I was SELLING SOAP.
during the monthly AMWAY support meetings I began learning about
MOTIVATIONAL books, records, reel to reel tapes (audio tapes had not been invented yet)
I began, methodically/religiously/ obcessively reading 1 hr a day usually first thing in the morning BOOKS, BOOKS, BOOKS
Here is one bookcase filled with much of my collection since 1966
I read read read and read some more.
Listened to records and then over 35 years I continued with
audio tapes, cds, dvds, etc.
Yes while I was busy doing workshops and training programs for
the various institutes at UGA that hired me,
whether at $125 to $200 to $800 a day I taught
Time Management
Goal Setting
Life Planning
courses because that is what the institutes SOLD to their clients
and hired me among others to teach them.
In the 80s as I left UGA and INSTANTLY chose to become a professional speaker, trainer, and consultant I often did use Steven Covey, Franklin Day-Timer systems eventually, once again, created my own
I shared quickly a rough sketch of my basic daily, weekly, monthly, yearly planning model. Here is a more formalized version I created in the mid-80s
I still do live this way INTUITIVELY, because that is where my STRENGTHS lay.
Listening to tapes, weekly sermons and reading books by
Robert Schuller from about 1968 onward into the mid-80s
and maybe late 80s I harvested this list of life lessons
The Daily Planner model I showed the young woman I began coaching this week included 6 areas of Life Focus. Also share this briefly using a rough sketch yesterday with you too.
During the past two plus years since I was released and returned home
i have primarily focused on my PERSONAL LIFE
physical, emotional, social, financial
while attempting in many ways to revived past client relationships
in the US and Georgia using several approaches, primarily using
emails and the internet.
those have produced no RESULTS in two years
My primary project and commitment was to write, finish and publish
a book that tells the story of my 4+ weeks behind bars.
I achieved that in August of 2016.
From 1960 onward through all 49 jobs, 3800+ presentations I NEVER missed a deadline except when very ill and I found a replacement for the client.
I will NEVER MISS A COMMITMENT TO OTHERS whether I am paid or not.
I start many things for me that NEVER GET FINISHED.
My goal with writing, finishing and publishing
was to prove to myself I could do it.
Now my primary goal is to enjoy every day of my life
in as many ways as I can or choose
plus to begin to generate income
to subsidize my ADDICTIONS
Doing meaningful work that benefits other people
Creating in many ways
Attending and presenting at Creativity Conferences around the globe as I have since I began doing that in 1978.
also get more into storytelling professionally
Thanks again for the GREAT FRIEND TO FRIEND Coaching yesterday.
Robert Alan Black, Ph.D., CSP, DLA,TM-Gold
Create Your Life, Do not live one Created for You
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