Do you miss.... making a snowman or snow angels

Do you miss....
making a snowman or snow angels


Snow on the ground up here. More expected today. Don't you miss making a snowman or snow angels.

what I miss is the ice, sludge, gray skies.

In 1972 when I moved to Palm Beach County to begin working and the process of my little family and my extended in-laws family all moving to Florida I spent 4 months enjoying the sunshine and warmth, even with one hurricane threat that didn't happen followed by only one day of solid rain...

Election Day in November that elected NIXON the second time that led to Watergate trials and his resignation.

That storm led to the very first reported RED TIED in the Atlantic along southern Florida and thousands and thousands of DEAD FISH on the beaches.

In December I flew back to Detroit to visit my family
work on trying to sell our home in western Detroit
and to take the last of the 7 required tests for the
National Council of Architectural Registration Board
to obtain my license as an Architect.

When we went to Strathmoor Methodist the Sunday
I was wearing an overcoat over a solid red, short sleeved shirt and a bold red, white, and blue designer neck tie and white pants and white socks and shoes sporting my 4 month old TAN. 

During the 10 or so days I was back in Detroit the sun NEVER SHINED through the dark, dark, dark gray skies
and street were covered with ice and sludge.

I had just experienced 4 months of sunshine, with the usual 30 minute afternoon shows (like God's sprinkler system) except for Nixon's election day.

Usually once or twice most winters we receive enough snow to

Make Snow Angels 
Small Snow People 

and over the past 45 years I have been in cold climates, even in Lesotho inside of South Africa where I have made 

Snow Angels 
Small Snow People

New Zealand, Australia, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Russia, Austria, Germany, Denmark, The Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Iceland, Greenland, Lesotho, and probably a few others since 1977 when I started traveling internationally for fun and work which financed most of my traveling and my life.


travel, snow, creative thinking


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