How do you Deal with Very Long Flights in a Single Day

How do you Deal with Very Long Flights 
in a Single Day

Dear Robert Stack

I do most of the same things that you listed Robert

Here is how I would answer that question based upon 40 years of flying since 1977 when I began traveling international and especially since 1997 when I began traveling to 10 to 30 countries in a single year each year.

Unless I can arrange an empty middle row I seldom am able to sleep even on 30 to 36 hour trips one way

When I had a Business Class cubicle flying from Dubai to Atlanta two years ago after I was released from Prison I only sleep in chunks of time

So I watch movies or tv shows on the tvs or on my own laptop on dvds

read sometimes

get up and walk around off and on

Always have aisle seats so I can get up off and on when I choose to.

My first trip to New Zealand I asked for an aisle seat and was told by the ticket person that is what I had and ended up with a middle seat
from Los Angeles to Auckland

I use to arrange window seats but they are seldom very comfortable

occasionally I will find a window seat with no seat in front of me

Often I have asked for and gotten an exit row seat
with lots of leg space....better than first class usually.

Airlines, especially US ones that fly overseas charge extra for those.

blah blah blah

I have learned how to kill long stretches of time through my 40 years of traveling internationally especially during the past 20 since I started traveling around the globe in continuous trips east or west or north.

Wandering Alan
travel journey group on


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