Horrible Scenarios Running Through My Mind This Morning

Horrible Scenarios Running Through My Mind This Morning


The past few days, once again I have been thinking about my son and his family's safety with Irma and possibly Jose both hitting Palm Beach County.

And of course ALL of my many friends and colleagues, especially like you who live in Florida.

Yesterday I wrote to Scott offering my house as a safety option to my Son and his family: Sandy, Liam and their two dogs as a possibility if they chose to evacuate.

He wrote back saying that once again he/they will stick it out at home and not leave driving two cars because of them being 3 people plus two adult dogs.

Then last night I read a short news report by a local newspaper writer I know a little quoting a local professor/scientist I have met over the past 40 years here describing what could happen here in Athens/Clarke because of Irma hitting the coast in the next few days.

High Winds, Extensive Rain onto already wet soil
plus the current state of the trees throughout the area.

Since Merry, Jessica and I moved into our house in 1986 we have had many heavy wind storms and have had many trees bent over or completely knocked down. Out of the 30 or 40 I have had damaged only one ending up falling towards the house and ending up hitting/leaning against it.

During the last couple hours before going to bed and as I lay there trying to fall asleep the scenario I ran through my head was what I might do in preparation for the storms we will experience....

Locating all important documents, computer or other electronic equipment and external storage items in waterproof or protected conditions/locations
possibly picking up/relocating all stored items up off the floor on the ground floor level.

Every room has bookshelves, dressers, credenzas, shelves or boxes of files, boxes, momentos, collectibles, cds, computer equipment in them or on the floor.  What will I move to the 2nd floor or pile up on waterproof or protected things in case my house experiences 20 to 40 inches of water from the pending storm?

My house is surrounded by trees and is at about 700 ft above sea level at about the highest point in this part of Athens Clarke County.

Woke up about an hour ago running through versions of that scenario.

First time in the 39 years since I moved here thinking about that or the 7 years I actually lived in Boynton Beach/Palm Beach County.

and I live 4 to 5 hrs by car inland and at 700 ft above sea level.

A few years ago I returned from my usual Florida Road Trip to find 9 trees bent over or on the ground.


Over the last 20 years I have often thought of what I might do if I returned from any of my trips to find my house had burned to the ground or that most of the things I have stored in my house were damaged or destroyed: business and personal.

Usually I have simply said to myself.

I will start over fresh
and/or hopefully rely on my memory about my previous life.



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