Membership in organizations and ME

Membership in organizations and ME
(clubs, associations, churches, groups, societies)

Great for you.  You are one of the best examples of a strong, valuable Area Director I have ever met or known.

Too many I have met in the past 38 years since I joined club “X” in Athens have been incompetent or egotists with little to no real leadership skills. Plus many have been extremely 'anal'.

The most recent who stepped down from the local area is incompetent based upon my experiences with him over the past 5 to 10 years.  He is so weak as a human being in general and a very poor speaker considering he has completed all the PROGRAMS.

the formulas. the rules.

I have been asked to return by the current president or at least to perhaps do a couple special workshops within a weekly meeting.

A previous president who did serve at Area and District levels also asked me to do an after hours workshop.  I did.  5 people attended out of the 30 members.

When the new president asked me recently I told him I am honored and would gladly do them about

a. gestures and physical communication

b. visual aids and props

I asked him to discuss it with his current new club “X” Board

A couple of them are people who don't think much of me nor me of them.  At least the clues have been very strong whenever I have been around them.

After I heard the past-"X" do a presentation about the NEW SYSTEMS that headquarters has created I decided that becoming an active member again is not what I want to do with my time and energy.

I find some of the officers and members deceitful and shallow or weak thinkers who KNOW EVERYTHING.  Only one of the long-time members and I seem to have a positive and honest relationship....therefore mostly it is me who finds fault in the few remaining long time members.

It is their club.  It is not one I want to belong to any more.

When I spoke with the new president, who seems to respect me and my experience or knowledge, I told him that it probably would be best if the current membership and Board do their own mini-workshops and not involve me at all.

Much like the comedians, Groucho Marx said many years ago

"I wouldn't belong to any group that would have me as a member."

Like the answer on my MIND Design questionnaire to question #9.

I am...

 A) a loner.
 B) generally with people or wish I was or could be.
 C) not comfortable with overly emotional or overly friendly people.

* * *
 D) a loner when I choose to be and NOT when I choose.

I enjoy being around people I can have fun with and or learn from
who are honest, open, sincere, do not play GAMES at all
or bullshit

After 40 to 20 years I have become the extreme introvert with the various presenters at the different creativity conferences I have or currently still present at.

I stopped trying to be one of the COOL KIDS when I was a teenager.  I have tried to FIT IN so many times and ended up after the initial honeymoon period to find that I do not FIT IN nor truly  want to and become a GROUP MEMBER.

I join hoping for the best.....but human nature of some people turns me off quickly, along with my own personality needs.

For years since 1980 I taught elements of OFFICE POLITICS but I hate having to deal with them

as the quote from LINUS VAN PELT says

"I love humanity (try to anyway)

oh well.

I have never been an open shallow HUGGER but I will do anything I can help someone when they are in trouble.

Best wishes with all you choose to do Brandt.

Fortunately many people did help me 4 years ago when I was in trouble.


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