How Many Forms of Harrassment or Diversity Might There Be?

how many different forms of DIVERSITY? in speakers in topics?

this is a collection of independent posts on Facebook about the topic of DIVERSITY and some on HARRASSMENT

this is not an edited, or meant to be an integrated article, merely a combination of thought pieces and currently only my part of the posts not a dialog.

‎Alan Black‎ to ...

I raised my question about MANY FORMS OF DIVERSITY because in the 80s thru to the mid-90s I often did programs with the title


one exercise I had the participants or audiences do was to complete an


a - age
b - background
c - career
d -

in groups/teams of 4 or 5 people.

A typical training group or university masters degree course of a Community Leadership Development Retreat group would generate over 100 VARIED FROMS OF DIVERSITY

That all could separate people mentally and emotionally
and create problems in their workplaces or neighborhoods.

That is when I posted my comment.Alan Black I have also done it since in a variety of countries around the world in my creative thinking and problem solving programs.

Team Building Programs I did from 1980 to 2006 it was a very successful and powerful exercise as well.

It was published in a couple training exercise manuals and in the training exercise books that the late Arthur van Gundy and I co-authored years ago in the US.

Alan Black 
just saw your response from 2 hrs ago while I was attempting to sleep between Sunday and Monday.

Alan Black 
interesting to see how the ME TOO movement of the past couple years may be FINALLY truly putting a DENT into the Male dominance around the globe.

The Feminist Movement of the 60s and 70s appeared to be doing some of that

The Women's Movement of the 80s did cause Social, Civic and some Professional association to remove the long standing GENDER BARRIER.

Yet still very few CEOs are women within the Forbes or Fortune top 500, 1000, 5000 companies except for those


Women politicians and leaders of countries have increased on the 6 continents over the past 30 to 40 years.

Alan Black 
Andrew in my many visits to Singapore and Malaysia I have heard many people talk about the totally integrated cultures.

But too often after work I found that segregation by race, culture, religion still exist....See More

Alan Black 
the English newspaper columnist Neil Humphreys wrote often about the multiple SINGAPORES.

Alan Black 
and of course SEXUAL HARRASSMENT is becoming a major issue again.

Two of us working as training consultants for the University of Georgia's Carl Vinson Institute of Government's Management Development Department had a contract in the early 90s to facilitate workshops about HARRASSEMENT in the Workplace.

She did 1/2 of the departments
and I did the other 1/2

I had Leisure Services, Large Vehicle Maintenance, Police, Fire and general street workers of various types.

When I did the Large Vehicle Maintenance Dept I learned about another form of HARRASSMENT...


when the trainees or participants HARRASS their Trainers.

It became part of my humor during the session to point out how some of them were attempting to harrass me throughout the workshop.

Differences Divide
Diversity Enriches.

Another exercise we often used in the 80s and 90s was

What is Individually Unique about the single members of a team/group/department?

The more people tried to discover what is/was totally unique about JUST THEM they found many more things that they had in common.


By trying to discover what made someone totally unique many more things that the people had in common were listed or discovered.

just searched for an example of the humor/cartoons about multiple faces in Singapore that I remember seeing when I first came to Singapore in 2001 and bought a couple books of that are in my shelves of cartoonists from around the world.

Just read on one website that these books "KIASU" are rarely seen today in 2018.


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