letter to Ann Zuccary in Senegal.

Alan Black 
letter to Ann Zuccary in Senegal.

ah yes salmonella, dysentery......travelers' curses

just so it isn't cholera....been there done that, lost 30 lbs in 2 1/2 days until the doctors in a hospital in Beograde, Yugoslavia saved my life.

don't drink the water
don't eat food outside of your hotel or not packaged

best wishes for speedy recover.

When I traveled to Cambodia in 2008 to be a volunteer on one of Jimmy & Rosalyn Carter's BUILD PROJECTS I ate lots of sushi during the banquet before the build began

and ended up with dysentery (the runs) or salmonella poisoning

but experience taught me how to deal with it and I managed to join the 300+ volunteers on the 2nd day of the build of 14 houses and for the next 3 days until we completed them all.

I found drinking Coke helped.

Good Luck Ann.

Now you have another story to tell.


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