organizing your stuff at 4 am?

organizing your stuff at 4 am?

I am reading and writing at 4 am
because I woke up with no feelings of sleepiness at 3 am.

Now I am yawning again
and will try to sleep once again.

Thanks for reaching out.

I think about organizing and over the years until the past few when I was still PAPER BASED instead of ELECTRONIC I spent great amounts of time CREATIVELY ORGANIZING my STUFF (SHIT).

My Creativity Room, my Library upstairs, my small writing and cartooning studio off that room and every shelf, bookshelf or cabinet, closet, room are relatively organized in a series of clusters, piles, boxes, or piles of boxes waiting to be CREATIVELY ORGANIZED and "PUT AWAY OUT OF SIGHT" again.

I will probably not live long enough for my house to as organized as it was before Merry became sick and suffered while we looked for cures over the next 10 months.

When people see me outside of my house or away from my Living Room and Dining Room (mostly used as my working office) they often say

You are so ORGANIZED.

My response the past 18 years has been


When I arrive at a venue to do a program I arrived very organized.

Before anyone enters the room, USUALLY THAT IS, if I have arrived early enough or the day before I then specifically organize my STUFF (SHIT) like a surgeon, dentist, repair person, engineer organizes their tools in preparation to focus and work.

Afterward it I attempt to organize a little while picking it all up to go home whether 10 miles or from around the world.

When I get home over the next few days I then sort, resort, wash, cluster, organize and put it all away once again.

Thanks for reaching out, asking and caring again Claire.


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